Sick day

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  *Two months later*

     Time passed. Cas and I were in an "official" relationship. I never really told Sam, but I'm pretty sure he figured it out when he accidentally walked in on us doing...stuff. I couldn't look at him in the eye for a week.
About a month into our "official relationship," I kissed Cas in front of Sam, like full on open mouths, not giving a shit anymore. He just rolled his eyes and continued with his research.
We kept on doing cases, Cas as our new partner. We even got him a suit and a badge. He still holds it upside down.


I went outside to watch Cas. He had finally gotten the hang of flying again. I loved watching him fly. His feathers had stopped falling out like they were, which he said was a result of him being weak and not being able to use them. His wings were huge, and so dark they glinted purple in the sunlight.
He was gliding in a low, large, smooth circles through the cloudy sky. I heard thunder in the distance and breathed deeply. It smelled like rain. There was a flash of lightning. More thunder. I saw Cas glance nervously upwards and he slowly came back towards the ground. He landed smoothly, jogging a few feet to keep his balance. He was panting and a thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead.
     "How long have you been out here?" I asked. "A few hours." He was rolling his shoulders and lightly flapping his wings as he walked towards me. More lightning. Thunder boomed right overhead us. It started drizzling. "C'mon, Cas. Let's go inside, I'll get you something to eat." He nodded and jogged the rest of the distance between us so we could walk in together. He slipped his hand into mine. I couldn't help the small grin that escaped my lips.

Cas's POV

     Flying is amazing. Wind whistling in your ears, seeing everything miniaturized below you. It almost gives you a feeling of...power. Like the world belongs to you, just for a few minutes. It's wonderful.
I saw Dean walk out. I smiled to myself. He always says how much he loves watching me fly. It's sort of cute, how he sometimes get a look of wonder on his face when he watches me. I heard thunder in the distance. I looked up. I didn't want to be in the sky of there was lightning. I started circling lower to the ground so I could land. I didn't realize how tired I was until my feet hit the ground. I was slightly out of breath, and my legs felt like rubber from being in the sky for hours.
"How long have you been out here?" Dean called. "A few hours," I responded. I shook my wings out as I walked over to him. There was a bright flash of lightning with a large boom of thunder immediately after. I felt raindrops. I saw Dean glance up. "C'mon, Cas. Let's go inside, I'll grab you something to eat." I nodded and jogged over to him. I was starving. I hadn't eaten all day, and flying took a lot of work. As we walked in together, I took his hand in mine, slowly running my thumb across the back of his hand. I saw him let out a small smile.


It was pouring rain. It had been raining for a couple of days off and on. I was bundled up in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate trying to ignore the horrible burning in the back of my throat. I had gotten sick from being outside in the chilly air for so long the other day.
I sneezed, splashing my drink onto the blanket. "Bless you!" I heard Sam call from the kitchen. I sneezed again. "Bless you," Dean said as he walked into the room and sat down by me. I set down my mug and leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I sighed and laid my head in his shoulder and closed my eyes.
"Feeling any better?" he asked. "Not really," I muttered. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm. "Is there anything I can do?" I shook my head.
Everything was quiet except for the sound of our breaths and the rain pattering on the roof. Sam walked out of the kitchen with two bowls of steaming soup. He placed them on the table in front of me and Dean. I shifted so I wasn't laying on Dean. He picked his bowl up off the table and took a tentative spoonful. "Did you make this," he asked Sam. "Yeah." "It's good." Sam let out a small laugh, almost as if he was relieved that Dean liked it. I started eating my own soup. It was good.
     "I'm gonna go and get some things," Sam said. "We're almost out of food." "Alright," Dean said. "Keys our on the table." He walked over and grabbed them, sticking them in his jacket pocket. "Need anything Cas?" I swallowed a mouthful of soup. "No." I winced at my scratchy voice.
     "Okay. See you guys in a few hours," Sam said as he walked towards the door. "Get me some pie!" Dean called out. Sam closed the door behind him.
     I finished my soup and same the bowl on the table beside Dean's. My wings were cramped. I was itching to go out and fly. I slid off the couch and set my blanket down. Dean looked up at me. "What are you doing?" "Stretching." I unfurled my wings to their full length, stretching them out. I sighed and rolled my neck, then broke into a coughing fit. "You okay? Dean asked. I nodded. "Yeah, fine," I choked out. I flapped my wings lightly then folded them loosely against my back. I walked back over to the couch and sat down. Dean reached around me and grabbed the blanket, pulling it around both of us. I laid against Dean, closing my eyes.
     "Tired?" "Mmm." I was exhausted. I'd barely gotten any sleep the last couple days. I felt Dean kiss my head as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled. I wanted to stay like this forever, with the rain and Dean's arms around me. "I love you," I said softly, not even sure he heard me. "I love you too, Cas."
     I was asleep in minutes.

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