Midnight Horrors

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Cas's POV

     Our kissing started soft and slow, but it soon turned feverish. I think our "sexual tension," as Sam called it, was at its peak. We pulled at each other's hair and clothes, our teeth hit and our tongues roamed. We were both breathing heavily, gasping, but we didn't stop. I let out a small, involuntary gasp as Dean kissed my neck. I felt him smile as he let out a soft laugh.
"You haven't done this before, have you?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer. I shook my head no.
His lips made their way back up to my mouth. I tugged at his hair, trying to get closer to him but we were as close as we could possibly be. I wanted to be closer to him, I wanted more of him. I felt a pang of longing throughout my entire body. I started tugging on Dean's shirt, not wanting any obstacles between us. He noticed and broke away from the kiss just long enough to take his shirt off as well as mine. We were sitting side by side, which is pretty awkward while kissing, so I crawled onto his lap. I cupped his face with my hands and looked down and him.
     "God, I love you Cas," Dean whispered. His eyes were shining a bright, bright green in the dark.
     I chuckled. "I know." Our lips collided. Our kisses turned slow again, we just savored the taste of each other.
My nightmare came back to me all of a sudden in a rush, making me pull away.
"Cas?" Dean asked, a concerned look on his face.
I saw him slide a knife out of his sleeve. My brain was telling me to do something, to stop him, but I was rooted to the spot.
     "Cas?" Dean said again. I barely heard him. I felt him put a hand on my shoulder.
He held a finger to his lips as his eyes flicked black. Dean, my beautiful Dean, was completely oblivious to the demon behind him.
     I was back in my nightmare. I was awake, but I was back. I panicked. I couldn't go through this again.
I screamed as the knife entered Dean's chest.

Dean's POV

     Cas was rooted to the spot, shaking. I shook his shoulder.
     "Cas?" He didn't respond. "Cas!" I planted a kiss on his lips, desperate to get him out of his trance or whatever he was in. I was about to pull away after a few seconds when he softly placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed me back. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. His eyes were closed, but I saw tears running down his cheeks.
     "What the hell was that, Cas?" I whispered. "I...I...my nightmare." I had to strain my ears to hear him. "What about it?" "I-I was back in it. I-I don't know what happened. It just...it just came back to me, but I wasn't just remembering, it...it was like I was dreaming it again, but I was perfectly awake."
     "Cas..." He moved his head onto my shoulder and wrapped his arms tightly around my middle. I sighed and pulled him closer, resting my hands between his wings.
His shaking turned into shivering. Goose bumps covered his bare chest and arms. "Why don't you lay down?" I told him. "You don't have to go to sleep." He nodded and turned so his wings were behind him. I pulled the blankets up around us and laid down next to Cas, circling my arms around him and pulling him close to me. He was asleep in five minutes.
God, he's exhausted, I thought to myself. When he didn't have nightmares, he still woke up at least five times for 15-20 minutes if he was lucky...
     The recent memory of what we had just done flooded through me in a rush.  I still tasted Cas. Soap and smoke and...something else I couldn't identify. Whatever it was...
     I smiled to myself. I relived the memory of his lips on mine over and over. I looked over at Cas sleeping peaceful, saw his bare chest. If the nightmare hadn't come back, we would have gone farther...With that thought I fell into a deep sleep.

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