Crash Landing

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*Hey guys. I am really really really really really really sorry for the super late update. I had a really hard time getting this chapter started and getting where I wanted to go with this. Forgive me?*

Cas's POV

     I was in love with Dean Winchester. And I had no idea how I was going to tell him.

Dean's POV

     It had been a month since Sam and I found Cas and I realized I loved him.
     It was just a normal day. Sam and I looked for a case. Cas was stretching his recovered wings and trying to relearn how to fly. Let's just say there was a lot of crash landings.
     I eventually went outside to tell him to take a break before he hurt himself. When I walked out he was flapping his wings and wincing. Feathers were scattered across the ground.
     "Hey, Cas." He didn't hear. "Cas!" He turned around. "Dean." "Why don't you take a break. You've been out here all day." "Oh." He looked up at the sky, like he was just realizing that the sun was going down. "I guess I have." I chuckled. "C'mon Cas. I'll get you something to eat. I'll bet you're starving." He nodded as he walked over to wear I was standing.
     As he got to me, he folded his wings loosely against his back, wincing as he did so. "Are they hurting?" I asked, my voice full of concern. "A little," Cas said. "You really shouldn't have done so much today. You should have just taken it slow." We started walking back inside. "I-I know. I just..." He sighed. I looked over at him. "I just want to fly again," he said quietly. "I know."


     I noticed how beat up Cas was at dinner. His hands and arms were covered in scratches and bruises, and there was even a few scratches on his face that I didn't notice earlier in the dying light. Sam noticed at the same time I did.
    "My god, Cas. What the hell happened?" Sam asked. Cas looked down at his empty plate. "I, um...I might have...crashed a few times." "A few?" Sam said incredulously. "A few might have been into a tree," Cas mumbled, a blush rising up his neck and into his cheeks. Sam let out a sharp laugh. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Do they hurt at all?" I nodded my head toward a particularly nasty scratch the back of Cas's hand. "It-it does sting quite a bit." I set my beer down and stood up. "All right. Let's go get you cleaned up." I saw Sam raise his eyebrows a bit out of the corner of my eye. I ignored it.
Cas stood up, wincing slightly. We walked together to the bathroom, where I cleaned the many cuts and scrapes he had acquired. "Do you wanna shower?" I asked. I felt a blush creep up my neck, which I prayed wasn't noticeable. "Yes," Cas said. I think I have some leaves in my hair." He ruffled his dark hair, making it even messier.
I gave him a smile and walked out of the bathroom. He closed the door behind me and I heard the shower start as I walked back to my room.


Twenty minutes later, Cas walked into my room with just a towel around his waist and a bundle of clothes in his hand. His wings were dripping water everywhere. My face heated as soon as I saw his bare chest.
"I, um, I-I need some clothes. These were my last clean ones." He nodded toward the ball of clothes spilling out of one hand. The other held the towel in place. He looked as awkward as I felt. Yeah, I had come to terms that I was in love with Cas, but it was still awkward to see him wearing nothing but a towel.
"Yeah, um...sure," I said while walking over to my dresser. I tried not to notice Cas's bare chest. I could hear the drip, drip of water from his wings.
     I walked over and handed him a bundle of clothes. I took the dirty and slightly torn ones from him and threw them in a hamper. He nodded his thanks and went back into the bathroom to change. The towel slipped a bit just before he closed the door.


     We went to bed a few hours later. I still shared my bed with Cas. He never asked to leave, I never made him. Sam asked about it for a couple weeks but he eventually dropped it.
     It was starting to get cold, so I threw I couple extra blankets on my (our?) bed. I had learned that Cas  got cold very easily. I woke up one night to find him curled  up next to me, shivering despite the blankets and my extra body heat.
     He always got into bed first and positioned his wings so that they weren't bumping into me and he was still comfortable. He always shook his wings out a bit before he went to bed and when he woke up. I smiled without realizing it. Cas noticed. "What?" he asked, pulling the covers up around him. I walked over and sat down beside him. "Nothing," I replied. "No, it was something. Tell me." God, he was stubborn sometimes.
     I sighed. "I was just thinking about how you flap your wings a bit when you go to bed and when you get up." I blushed. "You-you noticed that?" He blushed. There was a lot of blushing. I nodded. "Yeah." He was quiet.
I should have just shut up and stopped talking. But I didn't. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about," I said and laid down next to him. "I think it's sort of...cute." My face heated up even more. Shit, why did I say that? Cas turned to face me. "Cute?" he asked. I nodded, beating myself up mentally. He laughed. I looked over at him in surprise. "Wha-what's so funny?" " used the word cute. I don't really see you using the word cute." I let out a small chuckle, some of my embarrassment was quickly fading. Cas fell silent, a smile still on his face.
     We were silent for a few minutes. Then I decided to take a chance. A really, really big chance.
     I took a deep breath. "Cas?" "Mmm?" his eyes were closed. "I...I need to tell you something." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "What is it Dean?" He had a worried look on his face, but he almost always looked like that.
     "" God, how was I going to do this? What if he doesn't feel the same way? What am I supposed to do then?
     I took another deep breath. "I...Cas I love you." I said in a rush. I looked away from him as my face and neck started burning. "What?" he said softly. I forced myself to look at him. "I-I love you," I said again softly. His eyes lit up and hope flooded my chest. "Really?" I nodded. "God, I've been wanting to know for so long if you felt the same way." "F-felt the s-same way?" I stammered. He smiled and shook his head. "Dean, I love you too."

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