9 - Wind Brother

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all pronunciations are in the book 'a giudeto the dead worlds & languages' i have updated it with each chapter, though it dosn't say so.

if you have any questions ask and i will answer in the book mentioned above.


Keria sat in the center of the clearing on the grass, mid morning sunlight shining brightly, having left as soon she had awoken with the sun. she had run to Grandmother's and found Déamois to have grown yet again. he had not grown by much, but enough to be an inch taller when he sat than yesterday and his fur noticeably thicker to all. Keria had let him walk with her today and he had been glad of the exercise.

Keria had passed the marker in the woods and it occurred to her that though Déamois's origin had been discussed - though not fully as of yet -, the glow that the prayer had caused upon the carving in the stone marking had not yet arisen. She decided that she would ask Wéarà or Asrailyn when they came. she would be grateful for an explanation to the unsettling development.

She watched as Déamois sat at the pool watching the clear water. the wind picked up in a playful manor and a singular petal fell from the blossom tree and drifted slowly towards the ground. Keria watched the petal knowing that something was about to happen. something that she would quite enjoy. The wind blew again pushing the petal upwards. it blew again in a small gust, pushing the petal up farther. that's when Keria heard a familiar sound.

The laughter was the wind itself, whispering and gental, hushed and strange, in only the way a wind spirit's could be. Tàlis appeared sitting cross legged beside Keria laughing.

Tàlis looked like a boy of perhaps fourteen or fifteen, though Keria knew that he was much older, at least fifty and still considered a child to spirits. he wore white clothing much like Keria's and his hair was a light brown and looked ruffled as though he had been standing out on a windy day, his eyes an ice blue that was inviting and friendly. like all spirits he wore no shoes, and like all wind spirits he had six toes on both feet. he had pale white skin and rosy cheeks, pink lips and a ready smile. Tàlis reminded Keria of Annabeth.

"how are you today little Riveress?" he asked looking at Keria with a found gaze.

"i'm doing quite well. is there any reason you are here?"

"i'm hurt Riveress! can i not come just because i wish to see you?" Tàlis replied putting his hand to one of is hearts.

Tàlis was where Keria had gained her wit. as an infant Keria's grandmother had been taking her to the clearing, talking long with Asrailyn and on one of these trips Tàlis had appeared having heard Keria coo at the falling petals of the old tree. he had sat down next to Keria's spot on the ground and she had gripped his fingers, not letting go. he had found this amazingly amusing and had a rather keen liking of the child ever since. he would joke with her and teach her the meanings of the different winds and how to talk with them. he would appear at any given moment, usually when Keria was alone as Asrailyn had a certain dislike of him after he had had a slight incident involving Asrailyn's favorite flowers.

in response to his false wounded sence of being Keria simply rolled her eyes.

Tàlis looked at her with his loving smile and said "you truly are to old for your age." with that he looked to Déamois who was looking straight back at him. a mischievous glint came into Tàlis's eyes.

the wind began to pick up again in a gentle breeze and four petals came drifting from the tree. they came floating down to Déamois and began to spin around them, the wind tugging gently at his fur as it circled him. the petals began moving faster and faster and the small creature broke his eye contact with the young spirit to watch the petals. he watched them and suddenly pounced at one. he did not catch it and the petals began to drift around him tauntingly. he continued chasing and jumping at them, so caught up in what he was doing that he jump at one petal and fell in the water. he came up to the surface  and paddled his way back to the small ring of sand that circled the cliff pool. he stood on the sand dripping and looking quite comical then walked up to Tàlis still dripping. Tàlis looked at him curiously, wondering why he did not shake off the water when he got out of the pool. Déamois walked around Tàlis until the spirit was between the foix and Keria, and shook.

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