7 - Asrailyn's Guest

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Keria walked for a long while, struggling with the basket that contained the Déamois. several times she had put the basket down and considered leaving it behind, carrying Déamois in her arms the way she had the day he was brought into this world, but some unknown source of stubbornness pushed Keria to continue on with the basket. she sighed as she shifted the basket and looked at the carving in the large stone to her right. the carving was a circle with two lines drawn straight through in a cross, a square in the right hand top quarter. there was ancient writing around the outside of the circle, writing that was from the Rysé Ùtà. the sign was perhaps a head or two higher than her, the bottom of the circle coming level with the top of her forehead.

all this land use to be the territory of the Rysé Ùtà until they had dwindled in numbers and were forced off the land by the greedy clutches of men. the land was now free for any creature to pass through are settle, but the world of man did not know of this. many creatures that were now few or gone from this world had been forgotten by man, but for tails to tell while in the tavern. the world of man did not realise what they had forgotten.

these thought ran through Keria's mind as she stared at the carved sign, dulled with the weather damage and over grown with moss from the cold and wet. Keria felt a small pang in her heart at this one small thing that man had lost, not knowing that this would not be the last time she felt the loss of something so precious as this. she gently put the basket down on the mossy ground surrounding the lonesome rock that stood at twice her height, the height of a grown man, that had been carved as a sign of greeting and safe haven, put here by a tribe long lost and gone so very long ago. she slowly raised her hand above her head and placed it on the symbol, digging her small fingers into the crevices of the sign. she began to mover her fingers, pulling the moss and grime of the rock, letting it drop to the ground at her feet and in the basket next to her. it was not much, but it was a sign of respect towards the Rysé Ùtà, a respect that they deserved and was long overdue.

 when Keria had finished clearing the symbol she stepped back and whispered a prayer in the old tongue.

"Yàméa'h jérà rù kytrè." she spoke to the air, her voice thick with emotion, the sorrow of the beauty lost by her race filled her every word, her every thought, her whole being. she felt a quick small pain in the back of her head that left as quickly as it came being replaced be a throbbing that was barley there.

The sign gave of a dim glow of a bluish white light before it faded. Keria stared at the stone shocked. Keria had used this prayer few times, but never before had this happened. she was not sure what had happened, but she felt uneasy about it. she lent down and picked up the basket, Déamois looking at her with a steady gaze not unlike her own. Keria would have sworn that if he were a cat he would be purring.

Keria looked around her for a moment at the forest. she was following the path that was not a path. there was no path to follow, at least not on the ground. one had to look for markers to find their way, markers like the sign on the stone. Keria took a deep breath and followed the directions on the stone that had made her feel such emotion that she had prayed. a feat that was next to impossible.

Soon Keria came upon the clearing that held the blossom tree, the clearing that she had dreamed of earlier this day in her parents bed. she walked to the root that Asrailyn had formed into a bench for the two of them to sit on during their long days spent together, Asrailyn teaching and Keria learning. she sat down and put the basket next to the trunk of the ancient tree, taking Déamois out and putting him on the soft grass to play and wander about.

"do not go far Déamois. stay in the clearing of the Earth Woman and do not stray." Keria said in a motherly way.

with that she looked to the cliff pool. it was still except for white petals falling from the tree to the water, making gentle ripples. she thought of the light that the rock had given off for a moment and decided she would ask Asrailyn about it whenever she appeared today. she thought of the other thing she had to tell Asrailyn and she was suddenly impatient. there was something different about him. there was something special about Déamois that Keria could not wait to ask questions about and expand her knowledge of the world. she began to fidget and her eyes drifted to Déamois. he was playing with the water, pawing at his reflection. Keria remembered her dream and smiled. she stopped fidgeting and just watched Déamois play. it was not long before Asrailyn arrived.

she glided over the ground in a long moss green gown. her belt was leather with a silver clasp, her small bag of herbs on her right hip as always. and her cloak, it was white like fresh snow, with red embroidered flowers along the bottom. and she was barefoot. her hair was a golden colour, like the sun but a deeper gold, her skin was pale like Keria's but not as pale. her lips were a light pink and her eyes were a golden yellow and light red like the leaves on the trees. her eyes were always the same as the leaves.

she came and sat next to Keria and watched Déamois with her before speaking.

"Keria, i have a very good friend i would like you to meet. he is a good soul. observe and you will learn." Asrailyn did not take her eyes off of Déamois as she spoke and neither did Keria. they sat still for a few more moments before Asrailyn stood. Keria looked up to her and took her hand when Asrailyn offered it and slid down of the root bench, her questions forgotten for the moment.

Déamois strutted over to them and sat next to Keria, his head coming to her knees. he brushed against her leg as he sat, comforting her. Keria did not even realise that she was nervous until Déamois made his small gesture, but it did indeed help to have him next to her. she did not know why, but this meeting made her feel as though the life she had lived for her six years of life was going to change with this meeting. little did she know that the change had already been set in motion.

Keria held Asrailyn hand as an elderly man stepped from the trees and lowered his hood. his hair and beard were both silver and both were tide with thin strips of leather, his beard at the height of his shoulders and his hair at the nape of the neck. both were long enough to brush against his belt, but neither long enough to tuck into his belt. he was tall and slender with long legs and arms and bushy eyebrows.his nose was strait but had a scare that ran under both eyes and across the bridge of his nose in one smooth  wight line. his eyes were a lovely grayish silver that matched his hair. he wore a wight shirt that was well worn and yellowed with age and was stainless, his breeches were the same. he wore heavy winter boots, a leather belt that looked much like Asrailyn's, but more worn and his cloak was a deep green. Keria noticed that something gleamed at his belt before she saw his ears. they were pointed. he was not from the race of man.

"Keria, this is Wéarà. he has traveled far to meet you and he will be your teacher." Asrailyn told Keria gently.

Wéarà clasped his hands behind his back and narrowed his eyes at the undersized girl before him. he looked her up and down, not failing to notice how she wore no shoes like Asrailyn or that she was dressed as a boy and he most certainly noticed the wolf cub that sat at her feet, staring up at him with a curious gaze. Wéarà looked back to the girl and saw what he had failed to notice about her at first glance. she was staring at him just as her cub was, but patience was in her gaze and not curiosity. 

she was not what he had expected or hoped for. but Wéarà trusted Asrailyn, and she had siad that the girl was what he had been searching for so many long years. she was not much but he would stay for now and see if she was indeed what he was looking for or if she was not.

Wéarà grimaced and thought Yàméa'h jérà rù kytrè.


i want to get 8 more reads before i update again, so i'll upload in a few days. 


for the pronouciations of words please go to 'a guide to the dead world & launguages'  

sucks or rocks? comment and vote please!

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