8 - Màjék

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all pronunciations are in the book 'a giudeto the dead worlds & languages' i have updated it with each chapter, though it dosn't say so.

if you have any questions ask and i will answer in the book mentioned above.


Déamois arose from is spot next to Keria's feet and walked over to Wéarà and jumped up on him. His paws reached just below Wéarà's knees ,the height of Keria's chest. Wéarà was at least two hand lengths taller than an average man and Keria was half a hands length smaller than the other girls her age. These thoughts ran through Asrailyn's head as she watched Wéarà to see his reaction.

Wéarà looked surprised for a moment before he crouched down - causing Déamois to fall to his paws and then to jump up again and place his paws on Wéarà's lowered thigh - and began to stroke the cub's fur. Wéarà began to rub behind Déamois's ears and Asrailyn felt Keria tense. She looked at the small girl holding her hand and saw her debating on whether or not she should speak out, but before she could decide Wéarà let out a gasp of surprise.

Wéarà placed his other hand be behind Déamois's left ear, but found nothing. he took his right hand and gently placed his thumb between the cubs eyes and lifted the skin, revealing a third eye. 

Déamois quickly jerked away from Wéarà's thumb and scampered back to Keria, who let go of the earth Woman's hand and enclosed the cub within her arms, looking at Wéarà with look that told that if he wanted Déamois than he would have to fight her for him.

 Wéarà stared dumbfounded at the girl and the foix cub in her arms, his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide. Still crouched with his hands still where Déamois had been moments before he spoke.

 "Child, how did you come across such a creature? They do not often bond to species other than their own. Will you tell me why a foix would feel such an attachment to you?"

 He stood up and regained his composure, his face carefully blanked and his voice stern and riddled with authority.

 Keria regarded the old being warily before replying.

 "His mother was a wolf. He is only half a foix and he has his mothers look about him. As for his attachment to me, perhaps it is because i brought him to life and his mother did not survive." Keria felt the sense of nervousness return, but she did not let it show on her face. she hoped that what she had said would be enough of an answer.

 Wéarà studied Keria. and then he did the most unexpected thing that Keria could have imagined. he chuckled.

 "your looks deceive all those that set eyes upon you. myself included." he came over to Keria and crouched down again so that he could look her in the eye as he spoke "child you look of weakness and a cold heart, but you are strong and with a heart that is of purity. you shall be my apprentice, and i shall teach you all i know." Keria stared at him in shock, unable to think.

 Asrailyn smiled and walked over to the tree bench and sat down facing the pool, her back to the pair of oddities. that Keria had saved the foix cub was not something that had surprised the spirit. she had watched over the impregnated wolf and helped her as much as she could, but one could only do so much. it had been the creatures time...

 "what is it that you will teach me Wéarà?" Keria asked when she had regained her wit. Asrailyn was pulled out of her thoughts and sat listening.

 Wéarà's trade had died out and was only practiced by very few and the few that did practice this trade where not of the race of man. man had not practiced this trade thousands of years. those that practiced this trade were only able to do this by their blood.

 "Màjék." he said with a wicked grin.

 "magic?" Keria asked skeptically.

 "no young one. their is no such thing as 'magic'. i will teach you Màjék." Wéarà said pulling the word out and pronouncing it clearly while writing it in the dirt with his finger. he had pronounced it as mah-jek in the common tongue.

 "your race has taken the word of the Old Tongue and turned it into a different word, first with the same meaning as the Old Tongue but over time magic has morphed into some thing where it is thought that one only has to wave a stick and babble nonsense to make something change or appear. Màjék come from ones blood and feeling. one speaks in the Old Tongue with a strong feeling or care and that is what will change something. one can do Màjék without emotion or words, but that takes many, many years to learn. one would only have to think the words clearly and the Màjék would flow. few practice the art, but there are few that can. Màjék is not something that one can just learn, it is something one must have in the blood." Wéarà paused for a moment deep in thought. "Majék has been lost in the blood of men for long after they stopped practicing the art of Màjék... i wonder if you have any Màjék in your blood, it would indeed be a miracle if you did." he murmured, finishing his speech and looking far into the difference seemed to forget about the small girl standing in front of him, staring with a look of intense curiosity and wonder in her gaze at him.

 "Wéarà, what are you?" she asked.

Her question caught both Wéarà and Asrailyn off guard. Asrailyn turned in her seat to looked at the girl, admiration clear on her face while Wéarà stared at her dumbfounded yet again. he shook his head and thought 'i am not use to such a perceptive being, particularly not one so young. there will be many a wonderment with this child.'

 "my father was a practitioner of Màjék and my mother an earth spirit that lived with the elves of the Kàshyré Ùèà tribe. i am a practitioner of Màjék with a strength in the earth. there are many like myself. we call ourselves the Yàméa Foesà'h. do you know what that means?" he asked.

 "i know that yàméa means spirit in the Old Tongue, but i am not familiar with the word of foesà'h."

 "it means 'children'. now go home and i will answer you questions tomorrow. be here by noon for our first lesson." with that he patted her on the back and  sat on the tree bench next to Asrailyn.

 Keria picked up Déamois and placed him back in the basket that sat just in front on the Earth Woman and the Spirit Child and returned to Grandmother's and then went home where she ate her dinner and then went to bed awaking only when the sun rose. but as she left the clearing with Déamois in his basket, Wéarà and Asrailyn sat together in the quiet until the sun was setting in the west, turning the few clouds in the sky pink. the silence was broken by Asrailyn's soft voice.

 "she has a part to play, but it is not clear to me. i do not know if the turning point has been reached yet, i do not know what will befall her or what her role is in the events that will take place, only that she will indeed be a part. do you see anything?"

  "nothing is clear to me either. but i believe the turning point will be reached before her twentieth year. her own turning point will cme soon, if it has not already passed or if it comes at all. we must watch her closely and teach her all that she will need to be prepared. i believe that you were right to summon me here. i believe you have found the missing piece of the puzzle that lies ahead."



for pronouciations, please goto 'a giude to the dead worlds & languages'. any questions, please ask and i will answer in the book mentioned above.

thank you.

hoping for 5 votes on this chapter before i get the next chapter up. that or 10 reads. whichever comes first.

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