I was shocked. "Really? Most people wanted me to be with Noah still. They yelled at me for breaking up with him twice."

"Well honestly, I didn't think you and Noah were a good couple. I always thought you should've been with Jason."

"Turns out you were right, then." I smiled. A few minutes later we both finished changing and fixing our makeup so we went out into the gym. We were leaning against the wall talking when suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

"Hey, baby," Jason said and kissed me.

I laughed. "Baby? Really?"

"Yeah." He kissed me again.

"Ugh! Get a room, you two!" Gina said and started making fake gagging noises.

He glared at her. "Shut up, Gina."

She laughed. "I'm just kidding."

He rolled his eyes and looked back at me. "So tonight's my cousin's party. How about I pick you up at four?"

"What kind of party starts that early?"

"It doesn't start until eight, actually. I was just hoping we could have alone time before we go to the party."

"Oh. Okay."

He smiled. "Great." He kissed me again.

Just then the gym teacher blew his whistle. Jason and I broke apart. Gina sat down in the back of the class. Jason grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand to sit next to Gina.

As soon as I walked into the lunch room my eyes widened. Noah was beating Jason up. I ran over to them.

"Noah, stop!" I grabbed his arm to stop him. Finally he stopped. I knelt down beside Jason. "Are you okay?" He shook his head. His lip was bleeding and his left eyes already had a bruise around it. I comforted him for a couple seconds before standing up and glaring at Noah. "Why did you beat him up?!" I was aware of the crowd around us but I didn't care. My ex beat up my boyfriend and I was downright furious.

"Why do you think?!"

"I have no idea!" I yelled.

"Did you break up with me for him?"

"No! I broke up with you because I don't have feelings for you! I didn't even know he liked me when I broke up with you! And even if I did, that wouldn't give you the right to beat up my boyfriend!"

"Right," he said sarcastically. He turned to Jason who was still on the ground. "And you. You're a traitor. You were suppose to be my best friend but instead you date the girl I love!"

"It's not his fault!" I said angrily.

Just then I heard someone yell, "What is going on over here?!" I turned around. The principal was making her way through the crowd.

"Noah beat up Jason," I said. Noah gave me a hurt look as if to say that I was being a traitor. But I don't care. I agreed to stay friends with him after our second and final break up, but right now I'm ticked at him for beating up my boyfriend.

The principal gave Noah an angry look. "Come with me. You're suspended for a week." She grabbed his arm and looked back at me. "Stay with the injured boy to make sure he's okay. I'll be back in a second to take him to the nurse's office."

"I will. Don't worry." She turned around and walked out of the lunch room with Noah following behind her. I crouched down beside Jason. "Are you feeling better?"

"A little," he said with pain in his voice. "My eye hurts though. And I think my lip is bleeding."

"It is." I paused. "I'm so sorry, Jason."

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