Chapter 41

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The past week has been a lot of planning and running around. I lost track of the amount of interviews we've been to and how many hours we've spent meeting fans.

Today is November 1st. The day we plan on having our New Broken Scene concert. We are going to live stream it for everyone to see because it's a small place for a concert. But it's really our biggest because so many people will be rocking out at home. Even Emily. Her and I both got up really early to talk to each other for a long time. I made sure to get a room with Luke so that he allows me to talk to her. I literally had to force everyone to let me have a room with Luke. Right now we are in Atlanta.

The FaceTime call rings from her, I shuffle to get my phone, answering it. "Hi Princess!"

"Hi!" She giggles, blushing.

"Look at us, bed heads and all." I mess around with my, now blonde, hair. "Oh I got an idea!"

"And what's that?"

"Let's dye our hair the same color for the AMA's."

"Okay, I'm down. What color?"

"Hmmm, you pick."

" You look hot in red." She makes me blush. "You killing me when you blush."

"Thanks. Anyway, how is everything, I heard what happened with Tana."

"Yeah, she's recovering fast. She's at school and stuff."

"Have you talked to Ashton about the homeschooling yet?" I ask.

"No, you guys have been busy. I think however he's going to talk about it after the concert."

"I can't wait for tonight."

"I wish I could be there. It's a big deal with it being the new broken scene concert."

"Yeah, I wish you were with us too." I frown.

"Just make sure to have fun for me."


"Michael, your to loud, both of you shut up." Luke groans in his pillow.

"Hi Luke." Emily shouts.

"Just be glad I keep the secret." He says back.

"Well you wouldn't want to see what happens if you don't." She narrows her eyes down evilly.

"I'm telling my mummy you threatened my life." Luke teases.

"Dude she was so on my back about grades." She complains.

"Told you." Luke and I both say. "Have you started on the clothes?" I ask her.

"I think the fabric comes today."

"What kind did you get."

"A lot, I've already got Maggie's dress design down."

"Cool, can't wait to see. So I got a question."

"Ask away."

"Would you be willing to make something for me in the future?"

"Of course, anything for my Kitten."

"I'm punk rock." I pout.

"You keep thinking that hun." She sasses.

I yawn. "Emily, however you managed to get me up so early for you, just know that you are so special because I don't get up for anybody or anything."

"I love myself too." She flips her hair making me smile. I get up to eat something but stop when I hear a knock on the door. Rushing over and looking though the little hole, Ashton stands patently. Damn it he's always up early. "It's Ash, isn't it?" Emily frowns.

Adopted by Ashton Irwin (M.C.)Where stories live. Discover now