Chapter 26

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I have have a feeling your all going to LOVE this chapter((((((::::::

"I had a fun time tonight." Alex tell me.

"So I'm fun?"

"Yeah." He laughs. "I was wondering if you would like to go the homecoming with me?"

"That's not a very impressive ask." I tease.

"I know, but I didn't know if you wanted anything big."

"Your right, I don't." I pause. "Yes, I'll go with you." I give him a hug getting out of he car. I wave goodbye and after I walk back in the house. When the guys hear me walk in they all run over.

"Did he kiss you?" Ashton asks with anger. "He better have not kissed you."

"Shut up guys!" I giggle. "No, he didn't kiss me. But I am going to homecoming with him."

"Oh that's great, we'll be there to watch over!" Calum throws his arms in the air with victory.

Rolling my eyes I brush between Luke and Ashton heading to the stirs. "I don't like him." Michael blurts.

"Why not?" I get defensive.

"He's not good for you, that's all." He shrugs.

"Michael thinks that since he was acting all weak when we were around him that it shows he's to much of a baby to handle you." Luke sighs

"I just think that she needs somebody a bit more assertive. Somebody who can be punk rock like us..."

"Well all the guys I like are either my father, fathers best friend, out of my limit," I pause at the reference. "or gay. And he's the only one willing to put up with me after how rude I've been. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight!" They all say from behind.

I quickly take my makeup off and slip into something comfy.
Everyone seems to like that Alex dude, but me! He looks cool and all I just don't think he's right for her. It's okay to be more protective than the others, right?

She needs somebody to test her but not to much to the point where she gets mad. She's gotten annoyed before, the only reason she told him she would go on the date was because she was annoyed!

Now all of the sudden she likes him!?

I want to know who he thinks he is, just using us charm to try and get girls. It's never that easy. She should be with somebody that would drop everything if he felt that she had the slightest bit of sadness. He seems to full of himself to care if Emily was ever upset. She's never had a guy like her this way and now all of the sudden she's getting somebody that's so obsessed with her. Maybe he's using her for money.

She needs somebody who can make her smile by just the look of him when he does something stupid or so called cute. From the looks of it, he's not that good looking. He may play sports but he looks weak and looks like he couldn't take a beating. I'll have to test my theory.

She needs somebody more punk rock, who understands that wall she has.

He's just not that guy.

"I'm going to bed too." I grumble.

"Mike, I need to talk to you for a second." Luke says.

"What you want Hemmings?"

"Come on I'll tell you when we'er alone." He pats my shoulder forcing me into come with him. I mess with my hair as we walk into the instrument room. Good place to talk in private, considering we made the room sound proof from the rest of the house.

"Now can you tell me what this is all about?"

"Why don't you like Alex?" He asks I roll my eyes sighing. Is he really doing this?

"I just don't, okay?"

"That's not a reason, I think you like Emily."

"I do not." Do I?

"I can tell, your being the most protective, your getting angry at just he mention of his name."

"So what, you think I'm jealous?"

"Yes, and I think your getting upset because of the rule Ashton put down."

"I don't like her like that." I say calmly.

"If you didn't then you would be yelling at me right now. I can tell your trying to keep yourself away because you don't want Ashton to freak or for anybody to get hurt. Your forcing yourself to pull back, and it's making you mad."

"You don't know what I feel stop trying to be my shrink." It run away opening the door. I stomp past the others, up the stirs and into my room.

How could I like Emily like that? That's breaking so many rules that were put down and I couldn't break a promise to Ashton.

Emily's beautiful, smart, kind, funny, and so much more. When she laughs it gives me joy and makes me smile. She makes me feel better just by seeing her, she brightens my mood.

I would hate to see her get hurt, and for her to put up and even bigger wall that has already been built. I would never hurt her in any way, and if I did I would hurt just as much as her. That's doesn't mean I like her though, right?

Ashton told is we couldn't get to close in a lovey dovey relationship, but I can't help but feel a bit drawn to her. There's something about her that just...I can't explain. I hate staying away from her so much, I want to be with her every second of the day. I want to be the reason for her smile and laughter. I have been doing that, even when we hadn't meet.

Could Luke be right, am I jealous of Alex because I can't be with her. Because I made a promise that I would stay away in that sort of way?

Do I like Emily?

Who am I kidding, even if I did like her, she could never love somebody like me.

I'm a reject, nobody ever falls in live with someone like that.

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