Chapter 17

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"Miss Irwin," the choir teacher calls me up with a smile. My attempt at staying hidden didn't work. "Please, come up and sing a cupola notes for us." She motions me to go up to the strange but my wight tells me other wise. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I freeze. "Come on dear."

"I really, rather not." I shake my head forcing a smile.

"Well, this is choir, everyone is to try in my class. Now please come up here and sing a few lines please, I don't want to have to get mean." She crosses her arms and I grit my teeth.

"I don't feel comfortable doing that ma'am."

"Well then I guess I'll be calling you father." She sighs. I chuckle.

"The only person who has his number is the counsellor, good luck trying to get that information. I don't even think you would be able to reach him, he is a very bush man right now. With writing new music that is." I hear a few snickers from the crowd and the teacher gives me a glare.

"At the top one more time." She yells and we all start to sing. I don't, the others do.

"Did you really?" Alia leads in closer as a tell her what happened in choir.

"Yeah, and she didn't do a thing." I shrug.

"You have guts." Maggie nods. we all laugh as we eat. We hear the lunch room get quieter. We look aroids to see the principle in the middle of the room. He holds a megaphone as he waits. Once it's quiet he speaks.

"I would like to inform you all of some news." He announces into the megaphone. "In one month, we will be having an early homecoming dance." Outbursts of word coke out fir everyone around us. "Silence please!" he waits again. "There will be fliers handed out with the information on it. There is a nomination ballot for the king and queen in the office. In a few two week we will announce the nominations. Thank you." The lunch room gets louder than it was before.

"Well, this ahold be fun!" Tana blurts.

"How?" Gege grunts.

"We are going to be calibrating after Emily becomes Homecoming queen."

"Wait what!" My eyes get wide. "You people are not nominating me!"

"You can't stop up!, and it would be nice to see the look on Kristen's face when se looses!" Her smile turns into am evil smirk.

"Who cares if she wins or not, I don't want to be nominated."

"Believe it or not your the second mist popular girl in school, you could be the only one to beat her." Rachel started facts, I hate when people do that.

"I don't what to make a fool of myself even trying." I argue.

"Tok bad, suck it up. Shove your face with foo for all I care, I'm putting your name in the nominations." Tana chuckles.

"Second that." Maggie says.

"I'm in too." Alia and Gege says at the same time. I sigh and take a bit if my pizza.

Adopted by Ashton Irwin (M.C.)Where stories live. Discover now