Chapter 31

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Last night was the best night I've had in a long time. Michael, for some reason, likes me in a way he can't explain. I couldn't sleep all night because I kept replaying the time with him in my head.

Michael has always been my favorite, from the start. But I like him more than him just being my favorite, that's something I can't explain either.

"Wake up!" Maggie jumps on me, I groan putting myself under the covers.

"It's to early on a Saturday."

"It's eleven in the morning you lazy ass."

"Ugh, okay I'm up!" I sit up looking at her. I can tell she's supper happy, still not a smile though. "What's going on with you?"

"Luke, I couldn't sleep last night. He was just so sweet when we were dancing."

"Yet still no smile." I narrow my eyes.

"My face won't let me, but I am on the inside."

"If your starting to like him why don't you tell him that, maybe even ask him on a date."

"But what's the fun in that?"

"Your such a tease." I throw a pillow at her face.

"Lets go down and see what the guys are doing."

When we get down stairs I only see four if them on the couch watching tv. "Where's Michael?" I ask.

"Still sleeping." Cal says.

"I'll go wake him up." I turn around stomping back up the stairs. I stop at Michael's door, very slowly I turn the handle so that it wont make noise. I close the door behind me cause I'm going to kiss him. I tip toe over to him, bend down placing a soft smooch on his pink lips. His eyes flutter open then he smiles.

"I'd like to wake up to they every morning." His morning rasp muffled with pillow.

"I mean I could try." I smirk.

"What time is it?"


"It's too early."

"That's what I said." I chuckle. "Come on, up." I shake him.

"Or-" He grabs me and throws me next to his. He buries his head in my neck. "We could cuddle."

"That's sounds really good right now, but we can't take to long. Remember we have to lay low about what we'er doing."

"I know." I feel him kiss my neck, giving me butterflies.

"What are we doing for our date, and when?"

"It's a surprise, I think tomorrow. And how are we going to get out at the same time?"

"I'll just tell then that I made up with Alex and you could say you meet someone and are going on a date with her." I suggest.

"Sounds good." He nods.

"Feels good." I giggle.

"Is this what it's like dating a fangirl?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you always make reference to us, it's cute."

"Well thanks, and yes I think it is." We get up walking down the stirs together.

"What took you so long?" Ashton asks.

"He's really hard to get up."

"Next time just pour water on his head." Luke doesn't look up from his phone.

Adopted by Ashton Irwin (M.C.)Where stories live. Discover now