Chapter 29

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A.N.- Hey guys! I am so sorry for not updating in over a month. I have been super busy with school (I even had a 5 minute breakdown a few weeks ago and I just cried(I go to a really competitive school)). With Thanksgiving break in 2 weeks (I think) I will write a lot. Thanks for staying with me! Also thanks for 56 THOUSAND (views? reads? I don't know anymore)!!!! I love you all so much and your comments are the best! Have a good week!

The tension in the air was thick. You took a breath in, realizing you had been holding it.

"What does that mean?" Barry asks, taking a step forward.

"It means what it means," Wells calmly states in almost a sing-song voice.

"Tell me," Barry grabs the collar of his shirt. Wells looks at him.

"You might not want to do that." He states.

"Tell. Me." Barry repeats. Before you knew it Wells had ran, knocked everyone down, and was laughing at all of you.

"You are no match for me. Just give up, and maybe I'll kill you quickly." Wells said, addressing the whole group.

"That's funny," you start, standing up. "You think that we are going to quit? I mean, I can only speak for myself, but I know that what you are doing is wrong and I won't stand for it. Actually I just did... okay I'll stop with the jokes, that was just too easy." Barry rolls his eyes at you, but has a smirk on his lips. The others stood up too and got in defensive stances. You stood, relaxed, not looking overly concerned. However inside you were growing more worried by the second. When Wells looked at you, you could tell that he wanted to scare you. Before you could tell what you were doing you formed a water tiger, because why not. The tiger growls at Wells and you could tell everyone was shocked that it had a voice. You looked down at the tiger and quickly admired him. You stroked his head and then whispered, "Go get him boy" The tiger locked eyes with Wells, knowing who to attack, because you made him and had a mental link of sorts. The large cat stalked towards Wells, while everyone in the circle backed up a bit.

"So this is what you plan on doing?" He stated quickly glancing up at you, then looking back down at the cat. "Create things that will fight your battles for you, while you don't suffer the loss?" He stared to back up a few paces. You knew he was trying to make you mad so you clenched your fists and jaw and kept your mouth shut. Right as the tiger was about to pounce Wells ran, grabbed one of Oliver's arrows and stabbed the tiger. You were taken aback by his actions. The tiger roared a sad, deafening roar and collapsed on the ground, not dead, but dying. You were confused to why that would kill it, because it didn't make much sense, but then again nothing did anymore. You stumbled as an intense migraine tore through your brain. 'Stupid mental link,' you thought. You collapsed next to the tiger and stroked his back. I few tears formed in your eyes as you realized it had stopped breathing. You glared up at Wells as one tear fell.

"While I don't suffer the loss." You start, repeating his words, "He was a part of me. I made him. You have no idea what this is like." You continued, your voice raising and hot tears now streaming down your face. "I will end you." You growled.

"That's kind of hard to do when you're already dead." He moved in front of you, and before you could react he yanked out the arrow he used to kill the tiger and shoved it into your stomach. You screamed in agony, and placed your hands around the bottom of the arrow. Wells had a sadistic smile plastered on his face as he twisted the arrow, sinking it further into your body. The pain caused you to lay on the ground next to the tiger. Not completely sure if you would live you stared at Wells and said,

"I can't wait to watch you burn," before blacking out.  

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