Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. School has been kicking my butt. Anyway Enjoy!

After a few days of moving boxes back and forth you eventually had everything back and forth you had everything at your new house. After moving in the furniture you flopped down on your couch face first. You heard someone walk in.

"I'm not moving." you said into the couch.

"Well you need to, or I'll stop helping you." Oliver said from the door,

"UGH Fine I'm up!" You said slowly rising from the couch. You walked over to him, still standing in the door way. You walked over to him and put your head on his chest.  "Why is this so much work?" You whined. He patted your shoulder.

"Because you have a lot of crap." he said sighing.

"IT ISN'T CRAP!" You say standing up straight.

"You have all the Harry Potter Books in hardcover AND paperback!" He exclaimed.

"So?" You questioned.

"How many times have you read them?"

"11. . ." He gave you a questioning look. "-ish. I may have lost count after 10" He just rolled his eyes at you. "You can go I think I can get everything else."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Its mostly hanging paintings and setting stuff out."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be here by 11 to make sure you are up."

"Thanks mom." You joked hugging him. He walked out the door. As soon as the door closed you went upstairs to where your room was. You had everything in there set up all there was left to do  was to put your clothes away, but you knew that wouldn't be happening today. You sat down on your bed and grabbed your laptop.  For a while you watched Netflix, but after about 2 hours you looked at the news to what was happening with the metahumas you've been hearing about. On the website you saw that there had been 3 murders in the last 20 minutes. You quickly reached for your phone and called Oliver.

"Hey, Ollie, have you seen whats on the news?" You asked when he picked up.

"Yeah. We are all at the lab." He said quickly.

"Oh. . . okay. . . I just wanted to make sure you were okay. . ." You said trailing off.

"Theres been two more. . ." You heard someone in the background say. You think it was Cisco. "REALLY?! She doesn't need to hear it now!" You then heard Oliver saying. It was obvious that he didn't want you to worry. He sighed. "Do you want me to come and pick you up and bring you here."

"Yes please." You say quietly.

"I'll be there in 5" He hung up. You knew it took longer to get to your new house so he was obviously speeding. You stood up and quickly looked at your outfit. You were wearing black skinny jeans, black and white converse and a Twenty One Pilots T-shirt. Your hair was in a french braid (If you have short hair just roll with it). When Oliver got here you hopped on the motorcycle and grabbed the helmet he was wearing. He quickly took off back towards the lab.

Once you arrived you began to walk in as you felt a drop of water hit your nose. "Great" You mumbled looking up at the sky, dark gray rapidly forming. Oliver started running in as the rain started pouring down, but you just walked. You liked the rain. Even though it was making you cold. When you got in the lab you heard people talking which stopped when you entered.

"Thanks for letting me come here. When you grow up in the streets you see enough murder for a lifetime."

"Barry!"  Caitlin suddenly said. "There was another."

"Where?" He asked. She told him and he was gone.

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