Chapter 4

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You quickly opened your eyes, looking around startled, but then remembered where you were. You sighed and closed your eyes again wishing you had more answers than questions. You suddenly started second-guessing yourself. Would you really want to know what happened? How could you be gone for over nine months and still be alive? Unless... no. This thought terrified you. What if you just forgot what happened? Lost memory. You shuddered at the thought. Your eyes snapped up as you heard the door open. Oliver silently walked in and sat at the end of your bed.

"Do you remember anything?" he quietly asked. You sat up and sat with your legs crossed.

"No," you quietly whispered. "If I do I'll tell you," you replied. You could tell that something had changed him, but you couldn't tell what. It was bugging you so much. He seemed more secretive and isolated. You looked him in the eyes and was saddened at how much depression and grief was in his eyes. You sighed and put your head on his shoulder, closed your eyes just for a moment hoping this was a dream and you would wake up and be in Central City. When you opened your eyes you realized that this is the reality you were stuck with. "Who did you call yesterday?" you asked sitting up. You looked at your hands, not knowing what to say or do.

"They are from Star Labs. They can help you, they helped someone I know who was in a similar position." You could tell that he was looking at you, but you continued to look at your hands. "They are good people. You can trust them." He knew you had some trust issues because of what happened with your parents, so he understood how you would be nervous. "I'll be with you the whole time," he quickly added. You just continued to look at your hands not really knowing what to do. You felt him get off the bed and heard him close the door as he left. You stood up and grabbed a black tank top and black and white skinny jeans that have holes in the knees. After you quickly changed you went into the bathroom to do your morning things, including putting your hair in a ponytail (If your hair is too short then you just brushed it). As you were about to go downstairs you quickly put on a pair of black combat boots. You quietly walked out of your room, closing the door behind you. When you got downstairs you saw everyone from last night. Apparently, Tommy and Laurel spent the night.

"Think fast!!" Tommy yelled at you as you walked in. You quickly caught what he threw at you. You looked down to see it was an apple. When you were younger they would joke about your slow reflexes by yelling 'think fast' and throwing random objects at you. This was the second time you have caught what they threw at you. "Good job. You are learning fast," he said in a deep voice. Putting his hands together he did a little bow and you did the same and laughed. You rubbed the apple on your shirt and quickly inspected it before you took a bite out of it. "Well... I was going to eat that, but..." he began.

"You want it?" You asked holding out the bitten apple to him.

"I think I'll pass..." he said with a little smirk. You smiled and took another bite out of the sweet apple in victory. Everyone talked for a while when Oliver eventually cut in.

"We should start to head out, we have to drive a while to get where we are meeting them." You nodded and said quick goodbyes to everyone and left. You followed Oliver to the garage and followed him to his motorcycle. You got on after him and wrapped your hands around his waist. You had to let your hair down in order for you to be able to wear the helmet so the ends of your hair caught the wind. You drove around for a while until you were in the middle of nowhere. The only thing around you was an old house wooden house that was falling apart. You got off the bike and took off the helmet. You took a big breath of fresh air thankful to get your head out of the stuffy helmet. You started to get a little nervous. Oliver quickly noticed. He walked over to you and put his hands on your shoulders, reassuringly. "They won't to anything to you that you don't want them to. They are just going to try and figure out what happened." You sighed, knowing he was right, but you still couldn't help being nervous. After a five minute wait that seemed to last 15 years a white van pulled up. You quickly composed yourself and stood a little bit behind Oliver. "Thank you guys for coming," he said as two people walked towards us and one rolled in an electric wheelchair.

"Thank you, Mr. Queen, for telling us," the person in the wheelchair said.

"{Y/N}," Oliver began. "This is Harrison Wells," he said pointing to the guy in the wheelchair. "And this is Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon," he said pointing to the other two.

"Sorry it took me so long..." someone said from behind you. You and Oliver turned around. "Barry Allen," he said holding out his hand to you. Somehow you managed to shake it.

"{Y/N}, hi."

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