Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Sorry for the slightly late update, but I knew we were going to have a snow day so I thought I would just finish the chapter then so. . .ENJOY!! 


"Barry, behind you." Cisco said into the microphone that went to Barry. You were pacing back and forth as the rain came pouring down. It was also hailing. Caitlin and Cisco looked up at you and just watched you pace. Oliver decided a little while ago to go help Barry. You needed to walk more than just a few steps so you went out into the hallway and walked around.

After walking around for about 3 minutes you decided to go back to Caitlin and Cisco. On your way back you noticed water dripping from the ceiling and leaking onto the floor. You walked up to the pool of water siting against the wall. When you got close to the water you felt weird, not nessicarily a bad weird, it kind of felt good... You crouched down next to the water and just looked at it. It was peaceful, but at the sometime deadly, and unpredictable. Curiosity got the best of you, so you slowly reached out and touched the water. When you did the water began to crawl up onto your hand and up your arm, twisting around your arm like a snake, only to stop right bellow your shoulder. When you finally realized that this in fact was not normal, you quickly stood up, causing the water to fall off you back into the puddle. You sprinted back to Caitlin and Cisco.

"Guys, you need to see something." You said with a slight smile. They followed you back to the puddle.

"Great we are flooding." Cisco said.

"No, I wanted to show you this." You said. You put your hand in the water like last time and the something happened. This thine you were thinking about how much it reminded you of a snake, and when you looked back down at it, it had the details of a snake. You could clearly make out scales and the head. It broke of at your hand to make a tail. "Okay that didn't happen last time. . ." You quickly said when you saw their slightly shocked expressions.

"{Y/N}, try to come to the lab, but try keeping this on your arm." Caitlin said. You just nodded looking back at the water snake. You stood up and this time the water stayed on your arm. You walked back to the lab with Cisco and Caitlin in front of you, whispering to each other. When you walked into the lab they had you sit on the bed. You did as you were told and sat on the stiff bed. "I need some blood." She said walking up to you with a needle. You sharply inhaled when she put it in your arm. You just looked at the water snake, which seemed to react to your pain. It lifted its head and opened its mouth.

"They are on their way back." Cisco said walking into the attached room you were in. You just nodded your head. When Caitlin was done she quickly put a bandaid on the spot where she put the needle. You just sat there trying to think of how you were going to explain this to Oliver. As if on Que. Barry and Oliver walked in.

"We need to tell you something" Caitlin said.

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