Chapter 28

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A.N. ~Sorry for the wait! School has started so everything is chaotic and I'm tired all the time. THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT LATELY! You guys are the best and I hope you are enjoying this weird fanfic. bye. 

Barry stared at you for a few seconds before you spoke up.

"I know this is hard. I've been in the same boat many times, and all you can do right now is stop him before he hurts anyone else. Barry, we need you on this." You say, lightly grabbing his forearm.

"Okay," You heard him quietly whisper. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and felt his arms around your waist.

Soon after that all of you (Barry, Oliver, Felicity, a guy named John Diggle, and yourself) all started on finding Wells. Within a few minutes (it was actually 30) you had a pretty good idea of where he would be next. For now you were just relaxing and saving your energy, while Barry and Oliver were both tense and wouldn't sit still.

"OH MY LORD JUST SIT STILL!" You yelled at the pair. Diggle lightly laughed at your comment, while the two just stared at you. "You're going to waist all your energy before we even leave." You stated, sitting in a chair with your feet up on one of the tables.

"How are you not tense?" Barry asked.

"I'm thinking about it."

"What?" They both asked, confused.

"I'm thinking about every situation that could possibly play out. I'm Mentally preparing myself because I know if I don't have my head then I won't be any help. Yes I'm tense, and yes I'm worried about it, but I won't completely worry till something happens." You calmly reply.

When the time rolled around that you had to start leaving, which was at about 9:30 PM, you were in your suit, with your hair in a ponytail and were prepared for the worst. You all (Barry, Oliver, Diggle and you) went to an old farm and each of you were positioned at different spots. Barry was at the farm house, Oliver was in the rafters of the barn (which was almost a quarter of a mile from the house), Diggle was behind a large pile of hay in the barn, and you were unsteadily balanced on the roof of the old structure. Without fail Wells showed up, however not where we thought he'd be. He pulled a young male out of the front door of the house and started dragging him towards the barn. Barry quickly got the young man out and rushed Wells out to where we were. You got down from the roof and walked into the circle formed around Wells, lying on the ground. He looked around the circle eyeing each of you for a few good seconds. When his eyes landed on you, you felt weird. You felt like he was analyzing you. As he slowly stood up you felt everyone go on the offensive.

"So." He started, wiping his hands on his jeans. "I see that you guys figured out my little secret." He stated calmly.

"Why were you doing this?" Barry asked.

"Why doesn't matter. All you need to know is that the real fight is only just beginning." 

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