Chapter 3

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Once you reached Oliver's house you realized how in a small amount of time you almost forgot how beautiful it was. You sighed at all the memories you had there. You looked up as you heard footsteps on the stairs. You smiled at the sight of Thea. She paused as she looked at you.

"{Y/N}?" she asked, clearly surprised.

"Hi?" you responded.

"Where have you been?" she asked hugging you. You were about to answer her question when she asked another. "Do you know how long you were gone?"

"No," you quietly responded, scared to know the answer. She looked up at Oliver.

"Did you not ask her that one question?" You looked at the ground feeling slightly awkward. You heard her sigh which caused you to smile a bit and look back up. "{Y/N} were gone for... over 9 months..." You were so shocked you lost your balance for a second. You had no idea what happened and were now more confused than ever.

"How?" was the only question you could ask.

"We don't know," she quietly answered. Now she was the one looking at the ground. You looked up to Oliver. He was deep in thought, just as confused as you.

"Thea, go call Tommy and Laurel and tell them to come over immediately. I need to go call someone." You just stood there awkwardly as they went their separate ways to call people. Just as Oliver turned the corner, Moira (his mom, for all you non-Arrow fans) came out.

"{Y/N}! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you are okay," she said as soon as she saw you. She quickly walked over and pulled you into a hug. She was more of a mother to you than your actual mother and instantly accepted you. "Do you have any idea what happened?" she asked as she pulled away. You just shook your head in a response. She looked like she was about to say something else, but both Oliver and Thea came back.

"Okay, Tommy and Laurel are on their way here and the people I talked to will be here tomorrow," Oliver quickly said. It was obvious that he was trying to get his mom to leave. She just nodded a little and left us alone. Oliver and Thea whispered to each other and you felt like the tiny third wheel. That soon was over when both Tommy and Laurel burst through the door.

"Oh my gosh..." was all you could hear Laurel say. You turned around and gave each other a hug. You were refusing to let yourself cry. When you let go, Tommy tackled you in a bear hug. You laughed despite the fact that you couldn't breathe.

"Have you told them anything?" Laurel asked.

"No, because I have nothing to tell," you answered.

"What do you remember?" she asked. You were silent for a while. "You need to tell us so that we can help {Y/N}," she said putting a reassuring hand on your arm. Sighing, you told them everything about how the old woman was freaking out, the weird cloud thing, and the train derailing. You didn't forget to mention falling asleep in the tree like you were in the Hunger Games.

"Then I woke up and the train was gone. I just felt out of place, not in my time..." you trailed off for a few seconds, but you quickly got back on track. "Then I got a train ticket here, and Oliver knows whatever is next." you quickly finished. Everyone stayed silent for a while. They all just looked at you until your stomach began to talk to you demanding food. Someone is bossy, you thought to your stomach.

"Let's get you some food," Oliver said, giving you a small smile. You followed him to the dining room where he returned with a plate of eggs and toast. Oliver, Tommy, Laurel, and Thea went into the living room to talk, probably about you. You ate quickly but savored every bite. When you were done eating, you went into the living room and all talking stopped immediately.

"Umm... I'll just go to my room and get ready for bed," you said putting a small smile on your mouth. You quickly and quietly walked up the stairs. Because you would often stay the night at the Queens house, they let you use the spare room. Their house was your home away from hell. You walked into your room and closed the door behind you. Your room wasn't huge but was bigger than what you'd be sleeping in if you were with your parents, safer too. You had a desk that was positioned against the window and your bed was next to it. On the other side, you had a dresser and the door to your bathroom. You slipped off your shoes and walked towards the bathroom. You opened the door and the cold air hit you in your face. Ignoring it, you walked in and closed the door behind you. You began to undress for your warm shower. Once you were completely undressed, you looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed nothing wrong with you. You looked just as normal as the day you left. The only difference was that your hair was a little tangled and you did look a little skinnier. You sighed as you started the water for your shower.

*Time skip to after the shower because I am in the car and have a headache*

When you got out of the shower, you felt like an entirely new person. Yes, the shower was that good. You re-wrapped the towel around your mostly dry body and went through the door to find pajamas. Eventually, you found your favorite pj's and put them on. You also found a pair of fuzzy socks and put them on. You plopped yourself down on the bed and before you knew it, you were asleep...

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