Scooter would move around on the couch uncomfortably shifting from one spot to another. I smirked he's going to be even more furious by the time I put her to sleep but at least I had a bit of fun in all of this.

"Mom don't you think she looks like me just look at her she definitely got her looks from this fine piece of a man." I said shifting Emory's body so she was facing my mom.

"Oh god." My mom said laughing "here it goes the cockiness begins." She says face-palming.

"I mean just look at her the mother had good genes too because I can't believe I'm saying this she's more beautiful than me." I grinned. "Aww that's sweet of you." My mom said she knew I never complimented anyone higher than me. I decided it'd try to put her to sleep with the book she had instructed for me to read every night apparently if I didn't she wouldn't go to sleep. I grabbed her teddy bear and her blanket and wrapped her around it and  I placed her on my lap and leaned back on the couch and began to read. By the time I was halfway through the book she fell asleep.

Scooter and my mom were talking somewhere else so I just held her in my arms. "Justin can we cuddle with her?" Jaxon and jazzy pouted. "Sure but go tell my mom if she can go with you guys upstairs so she can watch you guys." And with that they went running off. After my mom and the kids went upstairs Scooter took a seat across from me and faced me. "So Justin what do you plan on doing with her." He said sternly he seemed a bit more calm. "Obviously keeping her I can't just abandon her." I said causing Scooter clench and unclench his jaw. "Okay" he nodded. "That's it your not gonna get me in trouble?" I smirked I don't know what my mom told him but I'll have to thank her later. "Sure I don't mind she would be good publicity too I mean famous Justin Bieber has a daughter that will be on the top of all the headlines and it's not necessarily bad I mean other than you and the mother not being together it's all good." He shrugged as if he could care any less what I did with her. My eyes widened so this is why he isn't lashing out or shouting at me or giving me a lecture. But I'm sure as hell not gonna let him use my daughter for my publicity she's to young to be involved in the media. She's only 6 months for Christ sakes! she's too young for this and they'll literally destroy her! I want to give her the most normal life I can give her so she never feels out of place. "There is no way in hell your using my daughter for publicity" I spat.  "It will be good for you Justin and bes—"  "I said no! How would you fucking like it if Jagger was constantly bombarded my freaking paparazzi's at such a young age huh!" I shouted I was infuriated he sure as hell wouldn't t want that for his kid and I don't want that for mine either. "Fine whatever you'll have to tell them eventually" he said clearly mad by my decision. "I will when the times right but for now I'll just keep it on the down-low." He nodded and got up to pat me on the back "good luck Justin and by what I see you'll be a great father, me and my wife will come around later to visit that little girl of your's." I nodded "thanks... and her names Emory." I said he only nodded and waved before walking out of the house. I went upstairs to see my mom and the kids on the bed cuddling up to each other I smiled and laid down in the empty place of the bed.

I woke up to Emory crying so I picked her up and rocked her in my arms "Shh baby it's okay" I coed. My mom Jaxon and Jazzy woke up right after. "She's probably just hungry Justin" My mom said. "What do I give her I don't have baby food mom." "I know sweetie why don't you stay with her and I'll go get the stuff besides if you go I don't think you'll know what to get." I nodded and kissed her cheek "thanks mom." "Your welcome sweetie" "We wanna go can we go Pattie please!" Jaxo and Jazzy said. My mom laughed "alright let's go" she said helping them off the bed. Emory soon calmed down. "Mama" she mumbled and began to cry again "mama" she managed to cry out various times. She wanted her mom out off all the things she wants something I can't give her, a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm sorry baby mommy's not here but I promise she'll come back soon princess." I coed. She soon calmed down and I decided to play with her for a while so she'll at least forget for a bit.

My mom came back a little after an hour and a half later with diapers, clothes, food, formulas, and other stuff. I changed her into a new diaper and a cute onesie my mom had bought her. I fed her and read her little book and put her to sleep. My mom walked in the room and smiled when she saw me hugging a sleeping Emory.

"Mom what do I do she misses her mom." My mom furrowed her eyebrows "why do you say that sweetie?" She asked as she sat on my bed. "Because right after you guys left to the store she started saying mama and crying more but then I calmed her a bit and distracted her." My mom frowned "you can try finding her I guess how hard can it be." I sarcastically chuckled "that's never gonna happen mom she could be anywhere by now." My mom laughed "what happened to 'I will never say never'" I chuckled "I guess I'll try" I looked down at Emory "I WILL find her, not finding her is not an option." I said putting emphasis on 'will.'


Thank you for 3k 😭😭💕
Three days till my homie Barack leaves the presidency 😭😩

My friend sent this
⬇️it's pretty funny😂💀⬇️

Calling all my democracy📈 loving dick suckers🍆💦👅👅👅 there's only 3️⃣ days till ⬆️ERECTION⬆️ day💯🙎🏼💁🏼‍♂️ and we finna pop🍒🍒🍒 this political🇺🇸pussy😫💦 and RIDE🏇 this vote raw😫😫👅 if you luhhh spicy 🌶 🔥 Mexico 🇲🇽 coochie 🌮 tell Donald 💰💁🏼‍♂️to grab some other bitch👯👯pussy💦🐱🚫 this election day🆗✅👋 but if you ain't no crusty ☠️ pneumonia 🤒🤒 slut 💅🏻 sending nude🙈 emails📧💦 in the HOEval office 🗽🏛 tell Hillary 👡👡to pack her pantsuit 🚶🏼‍♀️💼 this a shoutout👏👂🏻 to all my constitutional📜CUNTS💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💍💯 who gon miss obamas👨🏿 big🍆 black🍆💦 cock🐓 but ready for that NEW💍 NEW 💎👑

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