15. Dont leave me(continued)

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I know that I don't post the days I promise and I'm sorry  but it's not because I'm lazy its because I don't feel good I get migraines and sometimes I'll write a chappie but I won't post cuz the headache is too much and I still have to edit it so I post it a day after I'm sorry and I hope y'all understand and if you guys ever need someone I'm here for y'all  ☹️😊💕
Anyways I hope you like the chapter 😕💕😊

Dedicated to: @justin_selena_4life 😂💕 luv ya

Nobody's POV
Selena sat there holding her daughter in her arms and sobbing. For her it seemed like hours desperately longing for her baby to breathe, for this all to be a dream but in reality it had just been a few minutes.

Selena pressed her daughter to her chest her eyes closed not wanting looking at her daughter afraid of how pale and lifeless she would look.

She finally gained the courage to open her eyes and look at her daughter and as she looked at her daughter her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. It felt as if it was a dream her baby was breathing softly and her eyes were open looking up at her with her dark brown orbs. Selena sat there speechless looking down into her daughters beautiful eyes tears streamed down Selena's cheeks.

Her baby opened her lips and began to cry loudly making everyone gasp the paramedics running to her side. Selena cried finally hearing her baby's beautiful cries but she needed reassurance that this was real, her eyes found Angelica's and she saw the same shocked expression everyone else had.

Right then she was thankful to everyone that was in that room, to god for listening to her prayers, she was thankful for Sofia finding her before it was to late.

On the other hand Sofia was raging as she heard the baby's cries she wanted so much for Selena to suffer and her plan hadn't worked. How? She asked herself. How can the baby be alive when she had heard herself the paramedics had told her it was dead?! From that moment on her hate for Selena only grew. She despised her with everything she had in her it seemed as though luck was always by Selena's side nothing bad ever happened to her.

Sofia huffed and kicked the wall as she saw the paramedics attending Selena's baby as Selena sat there and cried tears of happiness.

The paramedics exited the storage room walking out with the baby in their arms and Selena in a gurney.

Selena's POV
As the paramedics took her to the ambulance in the gurney we passed by a few people all of them with smiles across their faces aweing at my daughter as they took her to the ambulance. I looked around the crowd trying to find Sofia I needed to thank her if it wasn't for her I would have been too late for the help I got and my baby girl would've been in heaven.

I finally spotted her at the entrance of the store as we passed by I smiled at her "thank you so much Sofia" I said as we passed by her to exit the building. She smiled and mumbled a "your welcome."

†after they checked them at the hospital †

Selena's POV
After they checked both me and my daughter a lady walked in the room to register my daughter in and fill her birth certificate. She filled in the basic stuff all I had to do was tell her my name and I guess the fathers name but I decided against it if I tell her the father is Justin Bieber she's gonna think I'm a crazy belieber that so desperately wants to have one of Justin's kids.

"And the fathers name?" She ashes making me slightly nervous. "Um I don't know who he is" I say avoiding eye contact from the corner of my eye I see her look at me with a look of disapproval. Oh great she probably think I'm a slut now. (Note to sarcasm 😂) "Okay" she mumbles and goes on to the next subject. "What will your daughters name be?" She asked smiling.

"Emory Miracle Marie" I smile proudly.  I've always wanted to name my daughter Emory and I decided to call her Miracle because she was my little miracle she came back to stay with me, and Marie just made the name sound more complete.

"That's a very beautiful name" She smiled. "Thanks." I grinned "okay it's all set here you go" she said giving me a copy of the birth certificate. "Thank you." I smiled taking the copy. After she left the room the doctor came in and gave me my little Emory. "Here you go Ms. Gomez you guys can go home now just sign the paper." He said handing me the paper. I signed it and called Theresa I'm hoping she's back from work. "What's up Sel Bear" Theresa said. "Don't call me that" i groaned making her laugh. "Can you come pick me up from the hospital?"  "Sure what happened you didn't have an appointment did you?" I decided to not tell her because she would scream and I didn't want her to wake up Emory. "Yeah I got a call this morning I had forgotten I had one."  "Okay I'm on my way" she said before hanging up. I walked out of the hospital making sure to cover Emory up with my cardigan so she wouldn't get sick. They had given her clothes in the hospital and a blanket but it was really thin and I didn't want to risk it. A few minutes later she pulled up and from outside I could see her eyes widen. She swerved her way in between two cars and parked unevenly getting off of her car. I smiled as she made me way towards me. "OH MY GOD NO WAY!!" She screamed and jumped up and down. I laughed at her excitement. "That's her!" She asked pointing towards my arms. "Yes Theresa but don't be too loud I barley put her to sleep." She glared at me "Biiitch don't you fucking dare tell me to chill you didn't even call me to tell me you were about to have my princess." I smiled "I'm sorry didn't even know myself she almost died." I said my smile dropping to a frown. "What the actual hell how did that happen?!" "I'll tell you on the way." I said. We got in the car and I told her everything from the begging and by the time we got to the apartment we were both crying. Ariana came by right after Theresa called her and we all spent the day together with my baby.

  ❀5 months later 

"Selena" Theresa called me. "Im in my room"  I shouted. "We need more diapers and clothes this onesie barley even fits her." Theresa said walking in the room with Emory  in her arms. "Okay I'll go right now can you just lay her on the bed let me just fix my hair" i said grabbing it a ponytail. Theresa layed her down on the bed "I'll go buy diapers and a few clothes be right back." She said walking out of the room. I smiled and nodded and walked towards Emory. "Hi baby" I coed smoothing her hair out. She giggled as I picked her up and cuddled into my chest. She looked so innocent and thinking that our economic status might hurt her is driving me crazy she doesn't deserve it. These past few weeks it has been hard for me she needs so many diaper changes and I run out quickly not to mention all the stuff I need to buy when she's sick and she outgrows her clothes so quickly. My electricity bills have been higher now that I have to leave a light on for her and I have to pay a babysitter to take care of her while I work. Theresa helps me pay the bills but it just isn't enough with all the expenses I have to make. I looked down to see her fast asleep in my arms and I smiled wiping the tears that had fallen from my eyes. I put her in her crib and just watched her. There's been so many times when I've considered just dropping her off at Justin's so I won't have to see her suffer because she needs something that I can't afford to give her. I even have a little baggie with clothes ready but once I'm about to do it she looks at me and it's enough for me to not do it I love her to much I can't afford to loose her.

______________ ______________

Don't worry I made a promise and I'm keeping it Justin's is going to find out very very soon I'm not gonna say when cuz then that ruins the surprise 😂 but trust me it's very very soon 😊😊

Luv y'all 💕😎💕💕
~Maria 💕🙃😘

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