13. Sorry?

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Dedicated to @justin_selena_4life   💕💕💕

Selena's POV
"Selena are you ready?!" Theresa yelled from across the bathroom door she was going on a date with this Alfredo guy and wanted to take a shower. "Yeah you can come in" I said running out I wanted to get to my job extra early. "Bye T" I yelled from the front of the door. "Selena Marie Gomez hold it right there young lady!!" She said making me laugh. She walked up to me and squeezed me in a really tight hug "good luck Sel."  "Thanks bye T love you have fun on your date" I winked and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed my keys and made my way to work.

~❀at work❀~

"Hello you must me Selena" a woman around her 30's said extending her arm for me to shake. "Yes that's me nice to meet you." I shook her hand giving her a genuine smile. "I'm Angelica" she giving me a friendly smile. I guessing she was the boss because she started talking about my my breaks and showing me around. "I wouldn't like to hurt the baby so you'll be working as a cashier" she said looking down at my stomach. "Thank you so much" I said giving her one of my brightest smiles. "Your welcome sweetheart" Angelica said walking up to one of the employees. "Sofia why don't you show Selena how to work the cash register and give her the name tag it's in the storage room." Angelica said and walked away. Sofia I'm assuming gave her a tight smile and looked at me up and down her eyes landing on my stomach with a look of disgust. She showed me how to work the cash register only speaking when she had to but in a rather harsh tone. She would look at me and roll her eyes. I wonder what pist in her cereal. We then went to the storage room and she started looking around for what I'm assuming was my name tag. She was walking up to me when I began to her a queasy feeling in my stomach, shit I hardly get symptoms why is my child giving me trouble now. I looked around for a trash can but I couldn't find one so I tried my hardest to not throw up. Sofia walked up to me and handed me my name tag and before I could stop myself my stomach twisted and I threw up all over her clothes. My eyes widened and I looked up at a furious Sofia her face was probably more red than the color red by now and she gritted her teeth. "YOU STUPID BITCH!" She squeaked in a highly pitched voice making me cringe. I tried my hardest to not say something back and instead apologized "Oh my god I'm so sorry here let me help." I fumbled around trying to look for something to clean up with. She reached over and grabbed my wrist"No I think you've done enough wait till I tell Angelica!" "Tell me what?" Angelica said walking in the room. "Selena puked all over my clothes!" Sofia squeaked once again. Angelica pursed her lips trying to contain her laughter changing her expression to a serious one "Selena apologize to Sofia and clean this mess up and please try not to let this happen again I don't want this happening to one of my customers." I smiled and nodded "thank you so much Angelica" I then turned to Sofia and apologized and began to clean right after. The rest of the day went amazingly well and my baby knew didn't bother me as much. It was kind of weird since I hardly ever threw up it would just be headaches and back aches but that was about it. I guess she just didn't like her.
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This chapter sucks 😭😭 but I guess the next one might be better 😕 Sofia is triggered so Sel better watch out 😐 I'll update again later today since I didn't go to school 😎😂🤗 I'm not feeling good but yeah whatever 💀😂
Luv y'all 💕

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