Bonus part 1

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"I'm so happy that things are finally normal again", Paige said with a deep breath. "I mean, nothing's ever Normal in Smallville", Clark replied.

"I know that but, the city is all under control because of you Superman", Paige replied back. Paige looked up at the tv and saw that a chaotic monster was causing chaos in the city, and she also notice a red and orange streak running around it. "Babe Barry's back in town". "Barry? How do you know",Clark wondered.

"Because I saw the streak in the tv, it has to be Barry". "Well we need to give him a call", Clark said.

*S.T.A.R Labs

"Guys whatever this thing is it's huge and it's destroying the city",Barry informed. "Let super man deal with this Barry it's their city", Cisco said.

"I don't even think Clark can face this monster alone, we need science to figure this out not strength", Barry said.

"So when were you going to tell us you'd be back in town", Clark interrupted. "Well it kinda looked like you needed our help, maybe because.. I don't know you weren't their to protect your citizens", Cisco said.

"I know.. but I couldn't hear the screams, I didn't know that this monster was even their",Clark said.

"Stop playing the blame game, we need to figure out what this is and where it is", Iris said.

"Your cute when your smart", Barry said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hold up, you two are a thing now", Paige said with a shocked look. " yup we are happy", Iris said.

"How's baby Jonathan?", Barry asked. "You mean little Martha", Paige said with a low voice.

"No I thought you two had a baby boy", Barry immediately said back.

"Barry are you okay", Iris questioned.

"Yeah can I talk to you for a minute",Barry said.

"Iris, the flashpoint messed up them too!", Barry said quickly.

Iris paused. "What do you mean"?. "I remember Clark and Paige had a baby boy named Jonathan, it was named over Clarks dad", Barry explained.

"Barry, his dad isn't dead... his mom is".

"I need some air", Barry.

"Paige your back!", Caitlin said.

"I missed your so much Caitlin... oh Caitlin your freezing cold". Caitlin pulled back and said " I'm just catching a cold no biggie".

"Enough with the small talk, who is this monster", Cisco interrupted.

" I don't know but I need to go to the CCPD Julian needs me too run some tests", Barry said.

"Is anyone going to tell me who Julian is?", Paige questioned.

"He works with Barry, he is a csi agent as well", Caitlin informed.


Hey, sorry I'm late.
"I had to meet somebody and You can add tardiness to the list, Captain",Barry said taking a breath. "Allen, it's been brought to my attention that you've been giving yourself unauthorized access to your colleagues' case files", the captain said.
"Excuse me? Along with multiple infractions, repeated absences, disappearing throughout the day, phone call interruptions, guests in the lab The list is pretty extensive, Captain",Julian explained.
"I'm sorry, with all due respect, I do my job here", said Barry.
You do good work here, Allen.
"I don't want this to jeopardize that".
"You too may leave".

"So your just going to tattle tale on me", Barry said. -"You know what? You're right.
Silly me to think the rules actually apply to the golden boy of CCPD's crime lab", Julian sharped back. "Detective west", Julian stormed out.

"He's unbelievable", Barry said.
"You know what? I wish you two could be a little less oil and water and a little bit more oil and vinegar".
"You guys have been at each other's throats - for a year now", joe said.

"That's just it.
From my perspective, it's been two weeks",Barry said.
"So you're saying that before two weeks ago, you weren't Julian's enemy?", said Joe. "I'm saying before two weeks ago, Julian didn't even exist" , Barry said.

"It's because of your flashpoint".

"I know it's because of flashpoint".

Thx so much for 3 thousand views. So here's a token of my love😍 hope you enjoy

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