Trouble in metropolis

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He Paige did you hear the news said Chloe. No what happened said Paige.
"Grant is dead" said Chloe.

"Omg what happened" Paige said worried. "I don't know it just happened" said Chloe.


Paige quickly grabbed her papers before they can fly out of hand. "Hello Clark. "Hey Paige have you seen Chloe".

"She is in the printing room". Chloe the phantom is here on earth but I don't know exactly were he can be.

"Clark the phantom can do more disaster than you running into a building" said Chloe.

Paige hears Clark and Chloe's conversation about the phantom and quickly ease drops on them.

"I have a feeling the phantom might be in downtown metropolis probably were the people go the most but were can that be" said Clark confused.

"Luthor Corp" Clark Chloe shouted.

"I CAN HELP YOU" screamed Paige.

It's to risky Paige just leave it to us.

Please Clark you guys said I can help you out for trouble.

"Fine lets go promise me one thing follow my directions and keep behind me" said clark.
>>>>2 hours later

Paige,Clark, and Chloe hurry to get to Luthor Corp to find the phantom and destroy him once and for all. "What happened to metropolis" said Paige.
There were buildings broken down, fires started every were, and rubble everywhere. Luckily no citizens were harmed.

"PHANTOM SHOW YOURSELF" screamed Clark. "Jeez Clark ask nicely said"Paige.

"What is going on here" said lex Luthor
"LEX WERE IS HE" said Clark angrily.
"Clark I have no idea what or who you are talking about" said lex.

"The phantom tell me were the phantom is" said Clark. "I don't know how the phantom is and I assure your he wouldn't be in my corporate building" lex said.

Clark, Paige, and Chloe left Luthor Corp and Clark is confused because he swore the phantom would be there.

"It's like he just disappeared" said Clark. "Give it time Clark he/she will show up eventually" said Chloe.

"Umm I kinda took something from lex and you guys should see this".

Paige pulled out the mystery item from her bag. It was some glowing crystal rock that glowed green. When Paige pulled out the mysterious crystal Clark immediately collapsed on the floor grasping for air.

"Oh my god what's happening to him"
Paige said worried. It's the crystal it's Kryptonite he is vulnerable to it you need get rid of it.

Paige dropped the crystal immediately then Clark regained his strength.

"That was a close one said"Paige.

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