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"Hey Clark I ran some tests and i found that you should be progressing to find your flying ability really soon" said Paige.

"Good to know" said Clark.

"Hey can we talk about last night" said Clark.

"Sure" said Paige.

"I didn't mean to kiss you I just got caught in the moment" said Clark.

"It's fine Clark, don't worry about it" said Paige.

"Well do you want to be in a relation ship with me" said Clark.

"Yes I do" said Paige.

"Ok that's amazing" said Clark.
>>mean while at S.T.A.R labs

"Barry their is fire at the central city station go quickly" said Caitlin.

"On my way" said Barry.

"Guys their is a window washer dangling down how do I save him" said Barry.

"Well don't catch him, you don't have super strength" said cisco.

"Their is a mattress store here, what if I get a bunch of mattress and stack them" said Barry.

"Barry, this isn't a Road runner cartoon" said Caitlin sarcastically.


"How fast would I need to go to run up the side of a building" said Barry.

"How far up do you need to go" said Cisco.

"Uh I don't know, 50 meters give or take" said Barry.

" just run really fast but you need to maintain your velocity on the way or-"or what Barry interrupted" "splat said Caitlin.

"Alright alright, here we go" said Barry.

Barry runs up the building and saves the dangling window washer, the man gave a thank you and a Barry ran back to S.T.A.R labs.

"Barry that was really risky" said Caitlin.

"No that was amazing" said Cisco.

"Who is this" said Barry.

"This is my dear friend Kendra" said Cisco.

"Come on dude" said Barry annoyed.

" your the flash oh my god" said Kendra.

"Why is she here"  said Barry.

"I had a vibe about her, she looked like a bird and that was it, but now a crazy guy wants to kill her so, I took her here for protection" said Cisco.

"We need Olivier" said Barry".
>>> mean While at star city.

"Olivier be careful I don't want you to get hurt" said felicity smoke.

"Thanks for the advice honey" said Oliver.

Barry saw Oliver being chocked by a creature and quickly rushes him out of their.

"Hello Barry" said Oliver.

"Long time no see, wow no sleeves that's new,don't you ever get cold" said Barry.

" I was trapped in an island for 15 years Barry I don't get cold" said Barry.

"Hi Barry it's good to see you, why didn't you tell me zoom almost killed you" said felicity.

"Good to see you to felicity" said Barry.

"So why have you come here" said Oliver.

"My friend Kendra is being attacked by a crazy dude, he wants to kill her" said Barry.

"Do you have a photo of him I can run a scan search for him" said felicity.

"Hold on, here you go" said Barry.

"I didn't know you can draw fast, that's new" said Oliver.

"Oh wait I found him, his name is Randall savage" said felicity.

"But look this photo was shot in 1816 why does he look the same" said felicity.

"He is probably immortal" said Barry.

"That has to be it, no one can live that long" said Caitlin.

"Kendra come with me we are gonna train you to use your abilities" said Barry.

"Don't let him teach you I am still feeling arrows being shot at me" Barry said.

"I will teach her"

"And who are you" said Oliver

"You can call me hawkman"

"I know "Kendra"we are immortal lovers from ancient Egypt, savage keeps killing us and we travel to find each other every life time" said hawkman.

"Wait hold up lovers" said Cisco.

"Just come with me" said hawkman.

"Okay" said Kendra.

"Why are we on the rooftop" said Oliver.

"Jump Kendra,build up that anger, your wings well then spread" said hawkman.

"Okay here it goes"

"Barry save her" said Olivier.

"Are you crazy why did you let her jump"said Barry.

"It will help here" said hawkman.

"You thought you can escape me prestise" said savage.

Olivier grabbed his bow and shot an arrow towards savage, it stabbed him but did no effect.

"What the hell" said Oliver.

" I can't feel pain you fools" said savage.

"I want those two with me in 24 hours or your cities will suffer" said savage.

Savage walks out with the staff Horus, the weapon to nuke the city.

"We need more help" said Barry.

"But who would help us" said Cisco.

"I know a guy" said Oliver.

"Who" said felicity.

Super man

Thanks for reading so far, and get ready for part two😘✌️

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