Welcome to Mystic Falls

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Paige woke up feeling like a drunk piece of shit. She woke up knowing nothing and where she was. "What the hell happened",Paige questioned. "Paige your fine your at home",said Clark. "What,what happened?",said Paige. "Well you kinda got bite by a sorority vampire girl and kinda killed Lois",said Clark.

"WHAT!,I killed Lois",Paige shouted. "Don't worry we got that covered",said Clark. "Covered how!",said Paige. "Chloe discovered a stone called the Phoenix Stone. It brings back people from the dead",said Clark. "Well where is this Phoenix stone?",Paige questioned. "A town called 'Mystic falls'",said Clark.

"This is too much to handle in one day",said Paige. "Calm down do you want to come or stay?",said Clark. "Well I want to come I need to fix this",said Paige. "Is Martha going to be available to watch Jonathan",said Paige. "Of course she is she loves spending time with her grandson",said Clark.
"Thank you so much Martha I really appreciate it",said Paige. "Of course Paige call me anytime",said Martha. "Oh and he's teething so give him this toy to suck on",said Paige. "Bye mom",said Clark.

"So Chloe where is this Mystic falls?",said Paige. "Somewhere around Wyoming",Chloe said. "Wyoming is not to far from metropolis we'll make it there by Sun down",said Clark. "I'm really nervous about this. I mean a town that has a stone that brings people back from the dead isn't that kinda sketchy",said Paige.

"Don't worry we'll be fine we just need to hurry before Lois starts to decay",said Chloe. "Chloe I'm so sorry",said Paige. "It's fine you didn't know what was happening",said Chloe.

Paige smirked. "Shall we get going". "We shall",Chloe repeated.

"So this is Mystic falls",said Chloe. "Where is everybody. "It looks deserted",said Paige. "It's to deserted",said Clark. Paige searched the area still nothing. "Hello",Paige said repeatedly. "Where the hell is everybody?",Chloe continuously thought.

"Can I help you with something",said a women. "Um yeah hi, we're trying to find the Phoenix stone. do you know where it is",said Paige. "Know I don't but your not welcome here",said the women. "The rule is anyone that comes in I eat",said the women. The girl popped up in front of Paige and grabbed her by the neck and tried to bite her. "Louise stop!",said a man. "They aren't food!".

"Well if they even bother to get in my way they will be food",said Louise. "Sorry about that she is kinda crazy",said the man. "I'm Stefan by the way".

"I'm Paige this is Chloe and Clark". "So what brings you to Mystic Falls",said Stefan. "Well we are looking for the Phoenix stone",said Chloe. "Why are you looking for that",Stefan questioned. "Well my cousin died and I read that the stone can bring back the dead",said Chloe.

"Follow me",said Stefan. Paige and the others followed Stefan and he lead them to his gigantic house. "Nice house Stefan",said Chloe. "Thanks my old house got taken away with heretics",said Stefan. "Heretics?",Clark repeated. "Vampire's with witch powers basically,said Stefan. "So why is this town so abandon",said Chloe. "Well my mother Lilly Salvator her and her heretics were murdering the citizens and we thought they weren't safe here anymore",said Stefan.

"Wow that sucks",said Chloe. "Stefan we are out of bourbon!". "Well this is my drunken brother Damon",said Stefan. "You mock me now but you should be getting me more bourbon",said Damon. "Hi I'm Paige and this is Chloe and Clark". Damon's eyes traveled."Nice to meet you doll".
" Um I'm married and eyes are up here",Paige barked.

"Sorry miss now why are you here",said Damon. "They're looking for the Phoenix stone",said Stefan. "Oh sweetie you don't want to go looking for that",Damon smirked. "And why not",Paige barked.

"Because it's very dangerous that's why you brunette beauty",Damon smirked. "Oh I didn't mean to barge in,I didn't know you had company",said a women.
"Oh this is Valerie one of the heretics",said Stefan. "An ex-heretic",Valerie corrected. "So you are a witch?",Paige questioned.

"I prefer siphoner",Valerie stated. "Do you know where the Phoenix stone is?",said Chloe. "I haven't seen it since Lilly brought back Julian",said Valerie. "Well their friends in danger so we need to act fast",said Stefan. "Let's talk to 'Bon Bon' she probably knows how to fix this ridiculous situation",said Damon. "Ridiculous my cousin's dead",Chloe barked. "Brother why are you helping these people",Damon said. "Because we help people now quite",Stefan replied.

"Hi I'm Bonnie". "Nice to meet you Bonnie I'm Chloe this is Paige and Clark". "So Stefan told me you need the Phoenix stone",said Bonnie. "Do you know where it is?",Chloe questioned. "No but, I could use a locator spell and find it",said Bonnie. Chloe's eyes widened. "Really that's so cool".

"It's with Julian",said Bonnie. "We can't go over there he'll kill us all",said Valerie. "Why,who is Julian",said Paige. "He is the fowl son of a bitch that killed my child",said Valerie. "Wow that's terrible he sounds like an utter douchebag",said Paige. "He was a douchebag. A little slimy slithering snake!",Damon shouted. "Damon take it easy",Stefan advised. "This is what happens when I don't have any bourbon",Damon addressed.

"So how do we get to Julian",said Clark. "We need Mary Louise's help",Valerie stated. "Hell no that bitch is crazy she tried to eat me",said Paige. "We need her help. She is the only one closest to Julian",said Valerie. "She is very loyal to Julian how are we supposed to convince her to help us",said Bonnie.

"She won't",said a women. "And why not Nora",said Stefan. "Because she choice Julian over me",said Nora. "That's horrible",Paige said. "She'll never help us",said Nora. "Hey just hope she does",said Stefan.

"Hope that I do what",Louise barged in. "Didn't I say get out before your dinner". "Stop they need our help",Nora stated. "Why are you helping these lowlife pesky humans?",said Louise. "Because I've changed and it's the right thing to do. Their friend is dead so some sympathy",Nora said. "What makes you think I'm going to help these pukey little brats",said Louise.

"Wow that accent sure makes you sound like a bitch",Paige stated. "Come any closer you head comes off",Louise threatened. "Enough!,My cousin is dead and I want to fix it. for damn sure we didn't come all this way to hear some bickering. Work together here",Chloe blurted. "Fine! I'll help you",Louise said.

"Thank you",Chloe preached. "It's not going to be easy",said Louise. Damon smirked."Don't worry we're going to kill that son of a bitch".

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