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"Hey, Paige. Where can I put this box?",Clark asked.

Well, I don't think that requires any supersleuthing. It does say "living room."

"No, I can decipher your scrawl. I'm just thinking it was mislabeled",Clark joked.

"If you're talking about my Whitesnake throw pillow, loving everything about me includes the sentimental. I made this from my eighth-grade concert T-shirt. And I talked to Oliver, and he told me how smoothly he and Chloe fused their hero green and geek chic",said Paige.

"Don't worry ... my 'for better or worse' will include your love of hair metal. But seriously, let me move us in a lot faster. I can unpack this in like two seconds",Clark said.

"No! No. Hold the horsepower. Part of us merging our lives together is... taking the time to find the right spot for everything".

"All I know is my perfect spot is here with you. We'll take as much time as you need",said Clark.

"Sorry for the digital disruption, but it's important",said Tess.

"What is it, Tess?",Paige asked.

"I just heard from one of my military contacts. Slade Wilson's back. He was found unconscious on a street corner. He's in a coma and completely unresponsive".

"There's only way out of The Phantom Zone. It has to be activated by a member of my family ... the House of El",Clark informed.

"Well, I'd say Slade is living proof that someone stole your family key to never-never escape land",said Paige.

"Clark, there's got to be a better way to solve this than sending yourself into interdimensional exile",said Tess.

"If someone's releasing people from the Phantom Zone, I need to figure out who and why, before they release anyone else",said Clark.

"You mean 'we,' right? I'm going with him".

"You told oliver I was going in?",Clark said.

"Hey, I come back here willing to risk life and limb with you in The Phantom Zone, I get not so much as a 'welcome back'?,said Oliver.

"Clark, you'll be powerless there. Oliver has more experience with that",said Tess.

"Thanks. You could use me in there".

"Absolutely not. I appreciate the offer, but The Phantom Zone is not a place for humans. I need to do this alone",Clark said.

"Not completely alone. Thanks to Booster's upgrade, Watchtower should be able to maintain two-way communication using the frequency vibrations in the crystal",said Tess.

Tracking audio transmission.

"It's not exactly a vacation destination, so I haven't had the chance to test it. Okay. Clark."

Frequency locked.

The phantom dimension

"If I'd have known about the long drop in, I would have brought some rappelling equipment",Oliver said.

"If I'd have known you'd ignore my warning to come here, I would have told you to bring it! I know what I'm doing. You should have trusted me!",said Clark.

"You should have more faith in your friends, Clark. I came here to help you. Wherever the hell this is. You know, where I'm from, people just hang a wreath",said Oliver.

"It's a warning from the Zoners. Consider it a not-so-friendly 'keep out' sign",said Clark.

"Guess we didn't corner the market on darkness",said Oliver.

"Darkseid's been to more places in the galaxy than just Earth",said Clark.

"Guy really gets around. You think he had anything to do with tossing Slade back through the portal?",Oliver questioned.

"I don't know. If he's strong enough to make it here, then no place is safe".

"Listen, about this zone, Clark ... you know, when you said Jor-El built a prison, I kind of pictured something a little more confined than a national park",said Oliver.

"He built this place so Krypton's worst criminals could have some kind of life",said Clark.

"Sounds like a real sweetheart".

"Watchtower, do you read me?",Clark questioned.

We're picking you up.

"We've reached the gateway. There must be some clue to who opened the portal. Phantoms",Clark informed.

"I thought this was just a clever name for 'jail'."

"They're the most dangerous prisoners here. We need to hurry",Clark said.

"How's it look?".

"You don't understand. The crystal is the gate. Whoever sent Slade back must have taken it with him",Clark informed.

"It's our only ticket out of here, Clark".

"Get ready. They're coming".

"Okay, here we go".

"Someone took the crystal",Clark noticed.

"But the gate's still open, right?".

"They aren't back yet?",Paige worried.

"Paige. I-I told you that I had this under control",said Tess.

"My entire future just leapt head-first into a world that makes hell look like the Taj Majal. I am not gonna leave here until I know he's safe",Paige said.

Crystal's emission interrupted. Signal interrupted.

"Why did that just cut out?",Paige asked

"I don't know. I'm trying to reach them, and I'm getting no signal",Tess said.

"Maybe the problem's on our end".

"Either the signal's been blocked, or the communicator has been destroyed",Tess said.

"Okay, what do we do next?",Paige wondered.

"There is no next".

"What?",Paige said.

"Clark and Oliver are on their own now".

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