Old friends and new friends

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Paige woke up for work and did her normal routine to get ready.
Brush teeth
Get dressed
Eat breakfast
And make coffee
Since Paige did not own a car she had to catch the train. She went to the train station and grabbed her ticket.

Train to metropolis leaving in 1 minute

Paige ran has fast as she can when she heard the inner come. She was bumping into people to catch her train.
When she got to the platforms she looked for her train. "Were the hell is my train" Paige said nervously.

" hi do you know were the train to metropolis is".

"Yes that train already left but I can get you another ticket that will arrive at metropolis at 8:00" said the attendant.

" okay that's fine" Paige said lying on the inside. Paige finally made it to the Daily Planet. I am gonna get fired said Paige in her head.

"Hello Collins surprisingly to see you here an hour late that's a new record" said Grant sarcastically.

" i am so so sorry sir I missed the train and I had to wait until 7 to aboard I swear it never happen again".

"This is your last time after that it's over", do you understand me"

"Yes sir". Now go make me something to publish you have till Friday.

"Listen be sad he does that to every rookie" Chloe said trying to comfort Paige. "Thanks so much Chloe it means a lot".
"Here it goes again" Paige said.

"Chloe lex took Kara's ship and he is doing research on it.we need to find it
Kara's crystal is in it"said Clark.

"Wait what does the crystal do" said Chloe nervously,

"It could wipe out all of smallville" said Clark with fear in his eyes.

"Umm Clark do you want to go to lunch and we could maybe catch up" said Paige, "sure is 5:00 good". "PERFECT" screamed Paige in her head. "Okay" Paige said.

Paige always remembered Clark as a small puny boy who she can obviously beat him up, but when she saw him for the first time in years she felt like she was in heaven.

Paige always stares at Clark when he comes. Is charming face, chiseled jaw, and abs poking out of his shirt.

Hey Chloe is Clark single? Paige said awkwardly. " yeah I think he is maybe some people don't like Clark" said Chloe.

Paige writes her article about the major crime increase in metropolis and Paige keeps whispering to herself saying this is gonna be good.

"Hey Chloe can you read my article for me Your opinion means the most to me". Sure no problem Paige.

"Paige this is really good for a rookie this is gonna wow mr. Gabriel"

"Thank you so much Chloe that means the world to me".

No problem.

" Hello Collins do you have my so called best seller yet" grant said sarcastically.

"Yes I do grant"

Paige hands him her article and the expression of grant is priceless.

Wow Collins this is amazing but it isn't good enough. I expect more detail from you kid.

"Okay thank you so much for the pep talk sir" Paige said.
2 hours later

Paige starts to pick out her clothes for the lunch with Clark. Classy or casual said Paige in her head. Paige puts on her causal outfit and she heads out to the restaurant.

"Hey Clark" said Paige.

"Hello sorry about the restaurant its not really classy said Clark. " oh no problem I hate classy".

" so Clark what's been happening in your life since I've seen you" said Paige curiously.

"Umm I won prom king, I was captain of the football team, i have super powers" Clark said quietly.

"Wait a minute back it up did you say you have super powers" said Paige in shock.

"Yes I came from a different planet krypton"

"So you are an alien"

"Not exactly" said Clark

My real parents put me in a capsule when I was a newborn and the sent me to earth to live their because krypton was dangerous.

"That is amazing what kind of abilities do you have"

Super strength
Heat vision
ice breath
And super speed

"Wow"said Paige still in shock.

So is that why you keep asking about lex Luthor said Paige.

"Lex has plenty of meteor rocks that can kill me and he is really dangerous" said Clark.

"I have to tell Lana" ...NO YOU CAINT TELL ANYONE said Clark.

Okay your secrete is safe with me.

Thank you so much for reading so far I hope you guys enjoyed my book so far😘

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