4 : See If I care!

Start from the beginning


So by late afternoon Juno and Noah were loading the car with the necessities.

"You know this doesn't change anything between us." Juno said gritting her teeth. She had been very careful to keep her distance from Noah. She did not know him and she wasn't sure if he would stick around long for her to find out. Until she knew for sure what Noah actually wanted she wasn't willing to spend time trying to know him or like him.

"Ooohhh should I be scared?" Noah mocked and Juno glared. She hated Noah's guts.

"You don't know what a bad idea this is. She's sick and she's dying and you are taking her to the beach, this is insanity!" Juno said folding her hand and looking away.

"You talking about your mother in such a manner is insanity, Juno. She's not dead so don't kill what little thing is alive inside of her." Noah said leaning on the car. Juno got angry, she tried being nice but it seems like he didn't understand the language so she showed her real side.

"She's my mother! You think I don't want to see her happy! Where were you Noah, when she was puking her guts out on the eve of Thanks giving? or when she goes through four hours of chemo? to hold her hands and help her get through it as though its just a tetanus shot. Where were you when she visited doctors after doctors hoping that at least one of them is going to look at the test reports and say that there is hope? Where were you when she would wake up in the middle of the night coughing and gets out of breath? Where were you when I wanted to call 911 and I couldn't leave her side? Do you still know what should be done if something goes wrong in between this 'guilty-trip' you agreed to take to reconcile for all those missing years? Well I do because I was there to clean up after her, to hold her when she loses her balance, when she gets out of breath. I will always be there for her even after you will be long gone after this week gets over. She might not know you Noah, but I have figured you out."

"Oh have you?" Noah asked with a fake smile, trying desperately not to show that she had indeed figured him out.

"Oh yes I have. You wont stay long. You don't like it here. You will leave within a week maybe sooner, when you feel like all this responsibility is suffocating you. You will leave Noah and I promise you I will never once call you back, I was fine before you came along and I will be fine even if you are not around." Juno turned around and left. Noah didn't stop her as he knew that this reaction was much expected and deserved. He was upset that a twelve year old had figured him out without even knowing him properly, but he was never going to admit it. He closed the bonnet of the car and went inside the house. Beatrice had worn a t-shirt and floral skirt, her hair had been neatly tucked into a bun and her grey eyes were gleaming. Juno was standing near the table, she was checking for something in her backpack.

"Well all set! Ready when you guys are." Noah said in fake excitement.

"Then what are we waiting for!" Beatrice said getting up, Juno rushed towards her but before she held Noah was beside her holding her arm protectively.

"I got this Juno." Noah said looking into her grey eyes, they were dark with anger.

"No I got this!" Juno said pulling her mother's arm towards her. Beatrice smiled and held Juno's hand and gave her an understanding nod. Juno was furious, she rolled her eyes and zipped her back pack and walked out of the door and closed the door with a bag.

"I would say I'm sorry on her behalf but I'm sure you understand what she feels." Beatrice said to Noah.

"No, I don't understand what goes on a twelve year old girl's mind and yes, I do know what it feel like when you have been ignored all your life and then suddenly someone comes into your life wanting to take responsibility and act like they belong here, I have really done nothing to deserve this love and respect from you Bessie." Noah said walking with her outside.

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