Feel No Ways|17|

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chapter seventeen

After getting the head from Zevell, Miani honestly couldn't even stop smiling. She couldn't wait to see him. She was just so happy, she probably looked high as hell.

Wherever she went no one could kill her mood, not even the girls at school. Zevell and his tongue were the only things on her mind, she couldn't wait to see him at the end of the day.

Miami was leaving out, ready to go home when she peeped Zevell hugged up on another girl. Miani couldn't even lie and say that the girl was not pretty, because she most definitely was. 

As soon as she thought that their friendship was moving somewhere, he did dumb stuff like this. She most definitely was not going to try and make somebody act right, if he wanted her he would be doing what he needed to do.

It was okay though because she knew better than to chase after a nigga because as soon as she stopped messing with him he was gonna hop back on her dick talking about how she went fake.

She was young, but she wasn't naive and a dumbass like most girls.

Instead she went back inside the school to find Javier, her bestfriend. Out of all the people in her life she knew he would be there forever.

" Hey bestfriend!" Miani smiled in his face. He had just finished getting a girls number, he was most likely gonna talk to her so he wouldn't be bored, but he knew who he actually wanted. Everybody knew who he wanted, but Miani was oblivious as hell.

" Wassup?" He replied back, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they walked out of the school. The girl who was with Zevell had left and he was out there looking salty.

After leaving the school Javier picked up Jalan and dropped the two off at their house and left.

" Miani, can you go get me some ham and eggnog for dinner?"  Ariana, her mom asked.

" Yeah, you know where my keys are?" After living with her parents, they enrolled her in drivers ed so she could get her license. As soon as she got her license, her parents surprised her with a car, they had all means too she got good grades and she had good manners.

She even met her four brothers Ishmael, Isaiah, Ohaji, and Daniel. They were all cool and instantly welcomed her into the family, she was kind of hurt that her parents would just go ahead and move on with their lives after what happened to her, but she would never express her feelings.

" Here, catch." Ishmael threw her keys to her.

" Where were they at? " She asked twirling them around her ring finger.

" They was in the computer room, you always losing something."  Ishmael explained.

" Don't try to throw shade on me. It's sunny over here!" She said walking to the garage.

She got in her car and pulled up to the supermarket to get the ham and eggnog that her mom wanted.

She got out of her car and went into the dairy aisle to find the eggnog. It was on the top shelf and Miani was only about 5'0 so she was definitely struggling.

Someone came up behind her and reached  over her shoulder and grabbed the eggnog scaring the mess out of her.

She turned around clutching her heart, calming down some when she realized that it was only her annoying bestfriend.

" I hate you Javi! " Miani told Javier pushing his chest.

" Girl you know you love me. But on some real shit I need to talk to you about something before the year end. "

" Why can't you tell me right now? " Miani was beginning to feel anxious, she was one of those people who got nervous when people told her they needed to " talk" to her.

" Right here isn't the right place to do it. "

" Okay I'll just text you beforehand so we can talk about it when I have time. "

" Okay. I hope yo' short ass can pick up the rest of the stuff you need." Mushy stuck her tongue out at him and walked away to get the other item that she needed and to leave.
Zevell say at the kitchen table wondering to himself how he was gonna pay his grandmothers hospital bills. They were just piling up one by one and Zevell did not want to end up in debt.

He was gonna end up doing something he told himself he would not get involved in. He pulled out his cell phone and started scrolling through his contacts.

" Wassup Cuzzo." The boy spoke into the phone.

" Hey Ray, I need you to put me on." Zevell asked, he needed the money and sometimes going against what you tell yourself just has to happen.

" Put you on to what?" Raymond questioned, he didn't see this coming.

" Man, you know what I'm talking about."  Zevell sighed, he couldn't believe that this was his last option.

He thought about what Miani told him and contemplated it but he later realized that it still wouldn't be enough to pay the bills and he would most likely have to work multiple jobs.

"'oh you finally got your head out of that girls ass. " Raymond said, people always wonderedr what he had against he, but they never knew what.

" Nigga this ain't got shit to do with her, you gon' help me or not? "

" I was just playing, damn learn how to take a joke. But I got you we can meet up with my boss at 4 tomorrow." 

" Alright, Bet."

" Bet. Be at my house by at least 3:45." Zevell hung up the phone and wondered what tomorrow was going to await for him. He wasn't sure if doing this would get him killed later in in life or if it would have a positive outcome.

The best I could do. Starting to flow better now.😊

Bad For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora