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chapter fifteen

Zevell hadn't been replying to anyone's messages or calls. After what happened with his grandmother he closed himself off from the world, even Miani.

She was wondering if he was okay or not, usually he would be in her messages flirting and playing around, she was wondering if she had done something wrong.

Her fingers hovered over her keyboard until she finally pressed send.

You good?

She put down her phone and walked into Jalan's room. Her dad had gotten it customized just for him, the room was eggshell colored with shoeboxes decorating the walls. He had a 50 inch tv and the newest Xbox in his room. It was definitely a dream.

" Hey baby bro." Miani said plopping down on top of his bed.

" Wassup M, you good?" He turned his head to look at her, he was on the phone with a girl caking it up. He was in a weird position with his legs on the wall and the rest of his body on his bed.

He whispered 'imma call you back' to who he was talking to and hung up.

He immediately saw the frown she had on her face. " What's wrong?" He questioned looking concerned.

" Nothing." She lied.

" Why the f*ck you lying? Why you always lying? Ohmygawwwwd, stop f*cking lying." This made Miani crack a smile, with him she could never be sad. " But for real, what's wrong?"

" So basically Zev-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before he felt the need to butt it. She hated when people did that it made her frustrated.

" Ooooooo. I'm telling dad on you."

" You know what, this why I don't come to you for nothing because you always playing." Miani said walking out of the room. She didn't like to be confused, if you were messing with her then you were messing with her, and if you weren't, then you just weren't. She wasn't really a confrontational person, but she needed clarity. Especially since Zevell was her only friend.

" I'm sorry sister, you know I love you!" Jalan screamed from the room, she shook her head and walked back into the room, he was a little too much for her.

" As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, so basically me and Zevell was cool one day and now all of a sudden he not talking to me." Miani explained.

" So you didn't do anything wrong to piss him or any of that shi-stuff?" She nodded.

" Y'all not more than friends or any of that, right?" He questioned.

" We only friends. I don't know what I did." Miani shrugged her shoulders, he gave her that 'bitch stop lying' face on the low.

" Maybe he going through something and he don't feel botherers or he just been busy. Now get out." Jalan said kicking her out of his room. She pinched his neck before running out of the room so he couldn't get his lick back.


She was just gonna have to go and talk to Javier for advice because Jalan was clearly not helping.

She texted him to come pick her up and he replied with an okay. He texted her saying he was outside and since it was starting up get cold even though it was literally fall, she put on her gray Uggs and told Jalan she was leaving since they were the only ones at home.
She hopped into Javier's whip and quickly strapped up in her seatbelt.

" Wassup?" Javier asked cutting straight to the point. Usually when she texted him to come get her and she didn't tell him where she wanted him to take her she had a problem or she wanted food.

" So I have a friend.. and she has a friend and her friend is a dude that's not talking to her. She didn't do anything wrong to piss him off or any of that. What should she do?" Miani questioned, silently hoping he wouldn't catch on.

" Cut the Bull M, Why you talking like you not talking about yourself? I don't want you chasing after no nigga that don't want to talk to you, you way to beautiful for that, I mean it. The only reason imma' give you advice is because you said he a friend, just confront him and ask about it. I know yo' ass talking about that goofy ass nigga Zevell too." She didn't know what he had against Zevell, but after she got the situation sorted with Zevell she would have to make sure she got to the bottom of it.

" Can you drop me off over his way?" He nodded and look both ways before hitting an illegal U-turn.


Miani stood at the door of Zevells house giving Javier a thumbs up signaling that he could leave.

She knocked on the door a couple of times and to no avail there was no answer.

Miani turned the doorknob and to her surprise the door was left open. She was immediately hit with the sting sent of weed and something else that she couldn't detect.

She walked further into the house, not having an idea of what would happen next....

So either I'm gonna finish the chapter and update it or there will be a part 2 idky 😐

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