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chapter nine

" Miani", the social worker smiled. " This is your mother." The woman who'd been shown to her as mother looked at her expectantly, expecting her probably to jump for joy. Miani had dreamt of this moment many times, she thought she would be happy and glad her mother or father came to her rescue.

But she couldn't . She couldn't even find a word to describe how she felt, and her being a scholar at spelling bees, that was saying a lot. All she felt right now towards the woman who was a supposed to be mother was resentment.

After all these years, now is the time she decides she wants me? Miani thought shaking her head, making the tear drops she didn't know we're there fall.

She looked to her left seeing her mother smiling from ear to ear as if she'd won the lottery.

" Hi Babygirl, I've missed you." Her mother spoke grinning wide.

" It doesn't seem like it." She retorted back, finally raising her head, tears dropping even more now.

" Excuse me." Her so called mother spoke placing a hand to her heart, as if she was privileged to feel hurt. While her deadbeat, no good mother was out having fun and wearing designer clothes, Miani was stuck in a grouphome where she was abused almost everyday.

" You heard me. While you were out and living your life, your daughter was stuck in a grouphome. So don't even try to act like you can act hurt, out of the both of us I'm the only one who should be able to feel like that!" Miani snapped, her nostrils flaring. Out of her whole life she had never been this angry snd right now at this point she felt like she was going crazy.

" You are not going to speak to me like that! I made you, I did all I could." Her mother sobbed. Miani didn't wanna hear that bullshit, she stood out of her seat, opening the door and slamming it, ignoring the voices behind her.

She ran outside and sat on the stairs releasing all her tears, almost forgetting that Zevell was out there waiting on her.

" Uh, You good?" He questioned, he'd never been in a situation like this so he wasn't even sure about what he was supposed to do.

" Yeah." She sniffled, using her hands to wipe her face.

" Is you crying?" He asked, he didn't really want to push to hard about something she most likely didn't want to talk about.

" No, my face is just raining." She smiled, finally looking up from the ground. He laughed out loud, it was more like one of those real deep chuckles but it still counted as a laugh.

" You a straight mess, you know that?" He said, grinning wide.

" I know." Her smile died down, and she drew angry about what had went on today.

" A beautiful mess at that." Miani brought something out of Zevell that he'd never felt before, he didn't know what it was, but he didn't like it. She blushed hard as hell at his comment.

" Stop playing." She said looking down at the ground.

" Im not playing, you sexy as hell." He bit his lip and licked them, giving her his signature smirk as usual. Seeing her look down again, he lifted her chin up with his finger, gripping it and leaning in the for the kill.

He pressed his lips against hers gripping her small butt as Miani pulled him closer, he could tell this had to be her first kiss or some shit because she damn near stuck her whole tongue down his throat, but they was gonna have to work on that.

After swamping spit for about a whole five minutes Miani came up for air and blushed.

" When you gon' let me take you out?" He asked, he would always flirt with her and shit but she would just brush him straight off.

" When you just gonna stop acting all nice and like you like me , when you don't?" She retorted back.

" What?" He gave her a puzzled look. " What about this, I take you out tomorrow and we can just talk and shit. Then do whatever you want afterwards?" He offered, hoping she'd give in.

" Alright." She said giving in. " How you know I ain't got nothing to do tomorrow though?"

" Cause you gonna be wit' me." He smirked.

" Don't think you getting anything from me either." She told him, folding her arms across her chest.

Trust, I'll get it soon.

" I wasn't even thinking about that, you brought it up, I'll text you later and give you the time and shit, aight?" She nodded and walked back into the grouphome where she was greeted by her mother who stood infront of her.

" What?" She snapped in a hasty tone arching an eyebrow.

" That boy ain't no good."

" You can't tell me how to live my life when you weren't even in it, So what do you want?" She asked again, gripping her fists. You could tell she was mad because the only time she did that was when she was trying to not bust somebody in they shit.

" Here's my number, incase you want to hang out or something." She handed Miani the number, and Miani quickly crumbled it and stepped on the paper ball she'd made.

Her mother quickly scurried out and as soon as she did Miani slipped the number in her pocket and went to Jalans room to tell him the stress of her day.

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