|I Bet| 6

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That's Zevell for now.

chapter six

Monday had come along, and everyone was tired wishing it was the weekend again in Mr. Browns Social Studies

Today Zevell had decided to sit with his cousin, seeing that there was an open seat. They snickered and laughed looking over towards Miani. Miani felt uncomfortable and continued reading her book, Of Mice and Men. She used her pointer finger and slicked back her edges that she had put eco styler gel on earlier.

She had read it her freshman year and now was in her junior year so she would soon be a junior, but she could never get over the fact that George had killed Lennie, but she knew it was for a good cause. If George hadn't had killed Lennie, then he would have died a more painful death. So in a way, even though he lost his friend it was for a good cause.

Mr. Brown had finally walked into the class, the students quickly quieted down. His whole demeanor and body screamed authority. Mr. Brown was a young teacher, with a built structure that almost had every girl in the room staring at him.

He usually wore suits that always matched his tie and his tie matched his pen that he wrote notes with, he was well coordinated.

Miani closed her book and focused on her teacher. And as usual even though she didn't do anything to anyone, someone decided it would be a good idea to pick at her.

" Hey Blackie." The girl teased pulling at her Miani's hair a little. She was mixed with pretty curly hair and braces. Miani turned around a little and noticed it was one of the girls that hanged with Heaven.

" Leave me alone." Miani mumbled lowly, barely above a whisper.

" Man, leave that girl alone. She never do anything to nobody." A boy said sticking up for Miani.

" Man shut the fuck up, she can speak for herself."  The girl retorted back irritated.

The bullying finally stopped and Miani sighed a breath of relief.


Across the room, Zevell was checking Miani out. Even though she wasn't thick or wasn't mixed like the girls he was used to messing with or dating, she was still really attractive to him.

" Man, why you looking at her ass, she ain't never gon let you fuck." Raymond laughed at his cousin.

Zevell waved him off and smacked his teeth, " Nigga, I can fuck any girl up in this class."

" Bet." Raymond wavered, he loved to make bets and gamble, that's why his ass never had money because he would always spend it off.

" How much, pussy?" Raymond smirked and thought.

" Nigga how long does it take for yo ass to think of a number." Zevell laughed.

Raymond smacked his lips finally gathered his thoughts. " Five hundo nigga."

" Aight, Bet." Raymond and Zevell slapped hands and when Zevell was ready to let go Raymond held on a little longer.

" But it gotta be Miani." Zevell was taken back, he didn't even know Raymond knew the girls name.

" Nigga yo' ass ain't never said that."

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