17 // The Two Weeks In Between

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I took a sip of my coffee. "Holy hell this is good coffee." I closed my eyes and let the liquid warmth run down my throat.

"Is it good coffee because it's good coffee? Or is it good coffee because it's from Ben?" Vivi asked.

"A little bit of both."

"So because it's from Ben?"

"Ben," I nodded as we sat down. "He's never gotten me coffee before," I thought out-loud to Vivi.

"That's sweet of him." She nodded.

"And he got you coffee too." I looked at her. "He must want something." I came to that conclusion. "Like to get out of the dance!" I said in an ah-ha voice.

Vivi laughed. "Stop overthinking it and enjoy your coffee."

"Ladies, why am I seeing those knees bend on those kicks?" Coach asked all of us as we ran through the routine again. "Take five to stretch and then we'll try it again," she said, nodding at me.

I walked over to the other side of the field to get some water and saw Will watching me from the football field. I looked away, towards the boy's soccer team, and found Ben almost immediately. They were in the middle of a passing drill right now and it looked to be insanely complicated. Ben was so enveloped in his passing drill and then there was Will, who couldn't even focus on his drill. I looked back towards Will before dropping my water bottle and heading back over to my team.

We ran through the routine a few more times before Coach finally called practice. "Nice work today, ladies," she clapped. "Those boys are going to have a hard time keeping their eyes on the field tomorrow night."

"Our boys or the other team?" Brittany called out.

"Both," Coach gave us a sly smile before she left.

"So, hows the new hottie?" Brittany asked me, which prompted a few of the girls to stick around.

I couldn't help but smile. "Insanely hot." I bit my lip as I twirled my hair through my fingers.

"Spill, Han..." Jilly said as we walked over towards all our bags.

"About?" I asked.

"Um, everything," Jilly looked at me like that was a dumb question. "The boy, the kisses, the hotness. Come on!" She grabbed me and shook me.

"Ok, where do you want me to start?" I rummaged through my bag for my jewellery.

"Ooo! Me first! I totally get to ask the first question." Kayla said putting her hands up. All of the other girls remained silent, waiting for her to ask. "Is he a good kisser?"

"Yes," I giggled as I put my earrings back on. "Good is an understatement, though," I told her.

"What's it like?" Kayla asked.

"Kissing him?" I clarified.

"Yeah," she and a few of the girls nodded eagerly.

"Well, it's like when you go to a restaurant and you order something new—something that you didn't think you'd like—and then you take the first bite and it's absolutely amazing." I tried to describe it to them.

"So Ben is your new favorite food?" Brittany asked as I put my necklace back on.

"Yeah, something like that." I shrugged, my face feeling flushed and I was sure if it was from talking about Ben or because I just had practice. "He's like the type of food that you go to a certain restaurant just to get, because you don't want to eat that food anywhere else." I'm pretty sure my analogy just ran off the train tracks, but kissing him was kinda hard to describe because it was just so damn good. And he was just so damn hot.

The Dating ClassHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin