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Seulgi's PoV

After my convo with mom, i decided to just stay away from JB. I don't need to force him to like me. All i need is true love from him. But it can't happen.

Why do I need to suffer? I just agreed to that to help him but what happened? I am all hurt. No one understands what i am feeling right now. For the second time, my heart is broken again.

"What are you thinking again? These past few days, you were really quiet. Why don't you tell me?" Taehyung said while cupping my cheeks. "Nothing. Help me to move on." I don't know why but those words escaped from my mouth. How can i move on when i'm still inlove with him?

"Move on? I know that you can't do that." I chuckled from what he said. It was true. I really can't do it. "That's true." I looked down while i felt Taehyung's hand patting my head. "Let's go. We'll be late for our class." He held my hands and we proceed going to our classroom.

"Hey Seulgi!" Wtf? That voice again? Will he just stay with Jennie? "Oh, hi?" I said while sitting beside Taehyung. "Where's Jennie?" I asked that because he is not with Jennie right now.

"We broke up." He said while looking down. While me, i was celebrating inside. No one knows how happy i am right now. "Reconcile with her." Why did I became an angel again? I hate myself!

"I don't want. I love someone else." Playboy huh?

"Then it's up to you." 20 more days and the game's going to an end. I don't want him to end it. I just don't.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung.

"Yes. I'm really fine." I said giving him a reassuring smile. I don't want him to worry. "You said it."

The day ended while JB is alone. I spent my everyday with Taehyung and good thing he is always right here beside me.

"Will you still not tell him your feelings? You must tell it to him before it's too late." Taehyung said. "No. Not yet. I am waiting for the right time." I said while continuing to walk mindlessly on the road.

I crossed the street and i didn't notice that there is a car approaching.

I was grabbed by someone and secured in that "someone's" arms. Why do i feel so secured? Who's this? Why did he/she save me?

"Seulgi!!" I heard Taehyung shouting my name. I was still dumbfounded when i gained my conciousness again.

I was still secured in the arms of this person. He/she is hugging me. When Taehyung shouted my voice, he removed his arms around me. And smile.

"JB?" I ask while looking at him with teary eyes. He didn't talk and just left me there. Taehyung approached me.

"Are you okay?" He said while cupping my cheeks and he hugged me so tight. "I'm sorry I am not there." He said while making his hug tighter.

"Who's that guy? He hugged you way too tight." Taehyung said while frowning. "It's JB." I said while smiling like an idiot with tears streaming down on my face.

We just rode the taxi to reach my house. I invited him but he insist.

"Seulgi.." Mom said while hugging me. "Did something bad happened?"

"Mom, i got into a car accident. I was nearly bumped by a car but someone saved me." I smiled just thinking about it. "Who saved you?"

"JB." She was shocked by what she heard. "I thought he's with Jennie?" Mom said while blinking her eyes twice. "They broke up."

I went upstairs since mom told me to rest.

I changed into my sleeping wear and eat dinner. I jumped to my bed and think of the good things that happened this day.

"Why did you save me JB? What do you mean by that? When i was wrapped inside your arms, i felt so secured and safe. I wonder why you saved me. Maybe because i am your friend. It's because i was a friend of yours right? Why do i make things like these such a big deal. Look, Jb, you drive me crazy you know that? I am inlove with you. But you can't love me back. So funny. It's my first time to be like this. Why do you even arrived in my life?"

Those thoughts fulfilled my head. Ugh! I just need to rest and i know that this will also vanish.

End of chapter 16.

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