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Seulgi's POV

"But he's already with Jennie."

I just misheard it right? Tell me i just misheard it.

"Seulgi, are you okay?" She said while patting my back.

I was in the verge of crying. My eyes became blurry due to the tears that were formed in my eyes. Why?

Why didn't he tell me earlier? So that i already stayed away from him. Was he that selfish to keep it just for himself? Why didn't he think of what i might feel? Why did he make that thing as a dare?

"Yes. I'm fine." I forced a smile and i'm still preventing my tears to fall. I don't want to show her that i am still weak.

"I think i musn't have told you about it." She said while looking down. "Yah, no worries. It's better this way. So that I am not expecting a lot from him now." I again smiled and she smiled back.

"You sure that you're fine?" She ask still with worried eyes. "Yup! Don't worry." I assured her.

"Let's just go to bed and rest. I invited you here so that atleast, someone know about what am i feeling. Please, don't tell it to JB." I begged her and she nodded. Then after that we ate our dinner and drifted to sleep.

So much pain in my chest that I cannot show to them. I don't want to show them the old Seulgi. I need to show that i've become a stronger person after my break up with Sehun.

Then there, i sleep with tears streaming down my eyes.

I guess, i am still not strong enough to face situations like this again.

The next day..

"Goodmorning sunshine!" I opened my eyes when i smell pancakes just infront of my nose.

"Goodmorning Minhee!" I said while sitting up to get that pancakes. She was there smiling at me. "You cried last night?" Aish how did she know?

"How did you know?" I ask while taking a bite from the pancake. "So you did. You're eyes were red and puffy." She said while chuckling a bit. I look at myself at the mirror and i look so drained.

"No. I cried because of a strange dream." Okay, i know how much i deny she will never believe me." Fine, whatever you say."

"You'll be going home already? It's too early!" I nag at her since i have no one to talk to this day. I am all alone. "I'm going home. Mom is waiting for me. She called me earlier and said that we are off to somewhere so i really need to go home now." She said while packing her things. "Fine." I rolled my eyes and continued on eating the pancake she made.

"I'm going now! There are still more pancakes downstairs. Eat well okay? Bye!" She said while leaving my room. "Bye Minhee! Be safe!" I smiled then waved at her.

Then i hear her car's engine. I am pretty sure that she left already.

I let out a deep sigh. What to do now? Literally every weekend, JB is going to fetch me and he will ask me somewhere out. But now, it will never happen again. But why didn't he just end this game.

"Why do you want to end this? I know you don't want. You want to keep him and stay with him. So now, you will still hold onto him even though she's with another girl. You'll let yourself to be hurt again."

Said that little voice in my head.

Why can't I listen to that little voice for once? Because i knew that sometime, what it says is wrong. I am all alone and it is so boring. I don't wanna cry anymore. I don't want to waste my tears but i can't stop it from falling. I am such a stupid person.

I heard my phone ring and there was a call from an unknown number. I answered it..

*Phone convo*

Hello? I said.

"Can i come over to your house? Minhee said that you're all alone."


End of chapter 9

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