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Seulgi's POV

I was now living a sad life. Regrets? My biggest mistake is to meet him. Why did I even include him to our group? Stupid idea.

"Low thoughts again? Yah, if you can't move on from him, you'll be totally stressed and you will get ugly. Do you want that to happen?" Aish. Why do this guy kept on nagging and nagging at me. It was so annoying.

"How can i move on when i'm still inlove with him? Aigoo, and one week is not enough to move on. I don't care if i get ugly. I just want to wake up from this ugly nightmare." I said while rolling my eyes on him. These past few days, he was always there for me. This guy really wants to ve my bestfriend.

"You're not even in a nightmare though." He said while slapping my cheeks playfully. "Who told you that you can slap me?" I said furiously.

"Me?" He said while giggling.

"Yah! Oh Sehun, you can go now. You slap me so i don't want to see you here right now. My precious face." I said while holding my cheeks. "You said you were in a nightmare. That's why I am waking you up!"

"Oh? Then fine." I said convinced.

"When are you going home?" I said while playing on my phone. "Right now, i'll be going. My friend just texted me and said that we got some things to do." He said while also looking at his phone.

"Okay, then leave." I used to act this way towards him. This is better so he will not develop feelings for me anymore.

"Bye. I'll be back tomorrow." He smiled. "No. Don't come here, i'll be going somewhere."

"Fine then." He walked going outside and leave.

It's been one week and i still can't stop thinking about JB.

"Arghhh!" I shouted.

Everything is so fucking irritating for me. Why can't i just be happy.

I am not going to school for one week. I just tell my teachers that i will come back after two weeks.

One week is done, the next week must be enough for me to move on from JB.

I just need to avoid anything and everything that can remind me of him.

Maybe in that case, i can forget.

Next day..

"Hi Minhee!" I greeted her. She is with Jackson and Jimin. "Woah! What a good day for you!"

I need to show that I am okay even if i'm not. I need to show JB that I can live without him.

End of chapter 11

Truth or Dare?? [Im Jaebum X Kang Seulgi]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora