#23 - Sleepovers

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👶🏼5SOS Children Series Preference 23👶🏼

#23 - Sleepovers

Luke: You and Luke decided to have a date night together. So of course Lyric and Bentley stayed with Liz. Lyric was very excited. Once Luke dropped the little ones off, Lyric was talking to Liz about Disneyland, while she was holding Bentley and giving him his night time bottle. "It was fun nana. I miss Mickey though." Lyric explained as she carried on drawing her picture. "Didn't mummy drop you off too?" Liz asked as she sat down next to her granddaughter. "No cause mama and dada are going out." Lyric lisped as she looked up at Liz. "Did mummy look beautiful?" Andrew asked as Lyric giggled and gave her grandad a hug. "Mummy is very beautiful. Daddy always tells her that." Your daughter explained to Andy and Liz. After you ate your meal, you gave Liz a quick call asking how they were. "They've been amazing Y/N. Bentley's just gotten to sleep, but Lyric is sleeping on the sofa because she refused to go bed." Liz explained. "I think she's still getting used to time zones. As long as she's asleep it's okay. See you tomorrow after." You explained. The two children had a way of a time.

Calum: Darcy and Stella were both sat on Y/M/N's sofa watching frozen, while she was in the kitchen cooking their tea. "Where are my two beautiful princesses." Y/D/N spoke as he walked into the front room. "In here." Darcy giggled as your dad chuckled and picked her up. "How was your holiday girls?" He asked as Y/M/N walked in and sat next to Stella. "It good." Stella lisped as Darcy nodded. "Dinners ready." Y/M/N spoke as the girls giggled and toddled into the kitchen. After dinner, pudding and a few movies, the twins were lying in their beds in your old bedroom. "This used to be your mummy's room." Y/D/N said to the girls as he closed the story book. "I used to sit here and read your mummy a bedtime story like I'm doing to you guys. And soon Harper will be joining us too." He explained as the girls smiled. "I miss mummy and daddy." Stella whimpered as your mum kissed her forehead. "You'll be seeing mummy, daddy and Harper in the morning baby." Y/M/N reassured the girls as they both nodded. After another bed time story, the twins were sound asleep.

Michael: "Thomas Clifford come here right now." Daryl spoke as Thomas giggled and ran into his grandads arms. "Hi grandad." Thomas giggled as he grinned. "Is that Thomas I hear." Karen spoke as she walked into the kitchen. "Nana cuddle." Thomas lisped as Daryl placed his grandson into his wife's arms. "Hi baby. I missed you." Karen cooed as Thomas smiled. "Thomas I will see you tomorrow." You exclaimed as you kissed your sons cheek. "Bye mummy." Your son cooed as you smiled and showed yourself out. Once Thomas let his food settle down, he was kicking a soft ball in the garden. After a few Disney movies, Thomas was up in bed. "Did you have a nice time on holiday?" Karen asked as she sat your sons favourite teddy next to him. "It was very fun. I loved it." Thomas said to Karen as he smiled. "I'm glad you had fun baby. I bet mummy had fun. She loves Disney, just like you." Karen explained as Thomas grinned. Once Thomas was asleep, Michael called up to check on him. You couldn't wait to see your baby boy tomorrow.

Ashton: "Nanny." Daphne squealed as the toddler ran into your mum's arms. "Hey baby girl. How was Disney. " Y/M/N asked as Ryan was in your arms. "It was good," Your daughter cooed as she slowly walked into your mum's house. "Ryan doesn't want to leave mummy today." You explained as your dad chuckled. "Shall we have some Ryan and grandad time?" Your dad asked as Ryan let out a small giggle. "I take that as a yes then." Y/D/N chuckled as he took Ryan from your arms. Once the twins were settled and eating their lunch, your mum had text you asking how baby Caleb is and told you how the twins were. After another run around session at the park, the twins were tired, and ready for bed after having their bath. "Mummy and daddy read us a bedtime story." Daphne lisped as your mum chuckled. "I have some Disney stories I can read you." Y/M/N exclaimed. After some bedtime stories, the twins were fast asleep. You phoned an hour later asking how they were and explaining to your mum about baby Caleb and telling her what time you were picking the twins up. At least they had a good sleepover at Nanny and grandads house.

Hey guys.

I do apologise for not updating, but here is the chapter.

How you all been guys. Hope you're all well. I'm trying to fight off an infection at the moment and its really crap. Tummy pains just keep getting worst and worst. Going back to the doctors next week to get some antibiotics, can't keep up with the pain and being unwell all the time.

Also me and my best friend are going to see Disney on ice, 100 years of magic next year. Its our joint Christmas present, our joint one last year was the 5SOS tickets, but next year its Disney on ice. I can't wait because we both love Disney.

Please read, vote and comment😘

Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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