#6 - Sick Days

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👶🏼5SOS Children Series Preference 6👶🏼

#6 - Sick Days

Luke: Lyric had caught a fever, that Bentley had caught from your little sister. Bentley was very restless and wanted to be with his daddy, but when Lyric was unwell she always wanted to be with you, and today that's the case. "Oh honey please don't cry." You cooed as Lyric snuggled into your chest as you rubbed her back. "Mama." She whined as you wiped her nose. The fever got to her a lot, her eyes were sore due to hay fever, which meant you didn't sleep much, neither did Luke. "Luke I'm going to put Lyric down for her nap early and let her have a few hours. She's struggling to keep her eyes open." You explained as you held the two year old in your arms. "Alright I'll look after Bentley, he's still being a clingy baby." Your husband chuckled as you smiled and thanked him. Once in her bed, Lyric snuggled up to you after you placed a damp cold towel over her forehead to cool her down. Hopefully Bentley and Lyric will be better soon.

Calum: Darcy had caught conjunctivitis, she weren't very pleased with it as she couldn't go to the toddlers music club. Her eyes were itchy, but you knew you had to dab them down with warm water. Darcy was up most of the night due to her eyes being sore and red, you sat up with her until Calum came in and took over. Stella had caught a tummy bug, she wouldn't eat, sleep or drink at times. You decided to take them both to the doctors, Darcy had been given eye drops, and Stella has an inner ear infection. The young girl was rubbing her ear, couldn't keep her food down, so you kept giving her fluids. She also slept a lot and couldn't hear out of her ear. She'd normally cling to Calum, but lately she has been clinging onto you. Both twins have been given medicine, which meant you and Calum were going to having less sleep, also baby Harper has got cradle cap, but it didn't bother her the slightest. Two sick twins, and both you and Calum knew you would pick it up as well.

Michael: "No mama no." Thomas whined as he pushed your hands away. "Thomas you need to take your medicine, it will make you feel better." You explained as Thomas pouted. The toddler had picked up a 24 hour sickness bug from one of the members of the toddlers football club. "If you take your medicine for the next couple of days, mummy will buy you a special toy, for being a big boy for taking his medicine." You explained as Michael stood in the door way and chuckled when he saw the delight on his sons face. "Okay mummy. Medicine now." Thomas lisped as you smiled. You poured the mixture onto the little spoon as Thomas opened his mouth. "Good boy I'm so proud of you." You praised as Thomas swallowed the calpol. "Better now?" Thomas asked as you wiped his nose. "Hopefully soon baby." You cooed as you kissed his forehead.

Ashton: Ryan and Daphne have both picked up a case of chicken pox. They had a mild case when they were a baby, but sadly they've got it again as Caleb had caught them off of your nephew when you visited them. "Mummy it's itchy." Daphne whined. "I know baby I know they are." You sighed as you placed a damp cloth on her forehead to cool her down. Ryan seemed to have no bother at all, he was fine with taking the calpol, and having a damp cloth on his forehead, and ignoring the itchiness of the spots. "Why don't we do some colouring. Mummy's got some Disney princesses and characters that need colour, so let's do them." You explained. Daphne nodded as Ashton sat nursing Caleb. After twenty minutes of colouring, Daphne had forgotten about the itchiness. It must be hard at their age, but they've been coping pretty well.

Hey sunflowers.

Today is a busy day so this chapter will either be posted this evening or tomorrow. Also I'm working throughout the holidays as well so updates will be a little slow.

Also a lot of you are really enjoying this book. I kinda wanna do one before you meet the guys and what you were like, and what the guys were like before they met you. But I'm not to sure yet, we'll see.

Also I do apologise for not updating village girl, I haven't really been focusing on that book much as I've been focusing on these books. I might delete it and come back to it later on.

Please read, vote and comment😘

Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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