#12 - Cuts And Bruises

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👶🏼5SOS Children Series Preference 12👶🏼

#12 - Cuts and Bruises

Luke: You held onto Lyric's hand, as the nurse glued the cut on her head together. Your daughter had taken a tumble at the park, leaving you worried because she was bleeding, and because of the press. Luke had come up to A&E with Bentley, making sure you and your daughter was alright. "Mummy my head hurts." Lyric whimpered as the nurse finished up. "We're going to keep an eye on her because of concussion, so you guys can come up to the children's ward for a bit and play with the toys." The nurse explained as she threw away the tissues and stuff she used on Lyric's head. After four hours spent at the hospital, you were finally free to go home. Lyric didn't have concussion, and she was fine after two hours. All you have to do is make sure she doesn't hit her head or anything goes knew her head because of the glue.

Calum: Darcy had taken a fall and cut her knee, she was crying because her knee was hurting. You cleaned it up, and calmed your daughter down as she cuddled up with you. An hour after Darcy had settled down and forgotten about her knee, Stella had fallen off of her bed, banging her head on the floor. Her screams frightened you and Calum as you had to take her up to the hospital to get checked, as she felt sick and very sleepy. Harper had no accidents, apart from waking up when you were at the hospital and crying as she wanted to be held and needed her nappy changed. What a busy day in the Hood household.

Michael: Thomas is a normal little boy who likes to run around and kick a ball here and there. Today was one of those days when you, Michael, Thomas and Amalia were all in the back garden having a nice chilled afternoon in the sun. Thomas and Michael were running around together, making both you and your baby girl laugh at them as they made silly faces. By surprise, Thomas slipped and fell over onto the pavement. The toddler got up and smiled before walking over to Michael, showing him his cut knee. "Wow baby boy, again with no tears. I am so proud of you." Michael explained proudly as he cleaned up his son's knee and put a plaster over the cut. "Can we go and play now?" Thomas asked cheekily. "Lets go and play." Your husband chuckled. You had one brave boy.

Ashton: Ryan and Daphne loved to have a little rough and tumble time with daddy. But sadly they haven't had much of that because they've been extra careful with their baby brother, Caleb. The twins decided to have a rough and tumble time together in the ball pit, I mean what could possibly go wrong? Daphne had tripped on the pavement and cut her chin, making the little girl panic at the site of the blood, and Ryan well he ran into the slide because he weren't looking where he was going. Ashton was cleaning up Daphne and calming her down, while you were sat with Ryan on your lap, an ice pack on his bump and you reading through a first aid book for signs of concussion. Luckily by the end of the day, the twins were fine and back on their feet. No more rough and tumble time for a while.

Hey sunflowers.

I apologise for not having any ideas or updating this book in a while. I do have some
Time to update this book tonight as I'm at home in bed because I got sent home from work unwell. I love work but I do need sleep as well so coming home early was something I needed.

Also this week is going to be emotional for me as my best friend Emma113 is moving to her accommodation for uni. I'm going to miss her like crazy. She's my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye. But give her stories a read because she's an amazing writer and I'm so bloody proud of her.

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Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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