#9 - Tantrums

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👶🏼5SOS Children Series Preference 9👶🏼

#9 - Tantrums

Luke: "Lyric May Hemmings! You do not snatch Bentley's toys." Luke said sternly as the two year old glared at her father. "No daddy I want to play." Lyric said angrily as she carried on glaring at her father. Bentley cried as he watched his older sister playing with his favourite toy. Luke picked him up as you came in to deal with the situation. "Lyric May Hemmings, we taught you not to snatch off of people because it isn't very nice." You spoke sternly as you took Bentley's toy off of her. "I don't care mummy I was playing with them." Lyric cried as you picked her up. "You are going on time out young lady." You told her as you placed her on the naughty step. Lyric screamed, causing both Luke and you to be in shock as she ran upstairs and into her bedroom. After the two year old calmed down, she was sat on her bed looking out the window. "Hey you calmed down baby girl. Do you know why mummy put you on time out?" Luke asked. "Me being naughty and not nice." Lyric said as she rubbed her arms. "That's right baby girl. We don't snatch do we. Now come downstairs and say sorry to Bentley and mummy." Luke explained as the little girl crawled on his lap. "I'm swrry daddy." Lyric yawned as Luke kissed the top of her head and carried her downstairs to apologise.

Calum: "Darcy Rose Hood you do not hit your baby sister." You said angrily as you picked up the toddler and placed her on the naughty step. Darcy screamed and kicked you, while Calum was trying to calm down Harper. "You are going to be sitting here for five minutes." You said as you set the timer and stood in the kitchen. "Stella leave your sister alone, she's on time out." Calum spoke as he moved the toddler away. "No daddy it's play time." Stella lisped as she stomped her foot, making Darcy laugh. "You listen to daddy." You spoke which made the little girl stop admittedly. "It's only a bad day for everyone love." Calum spoke gently as Darcy apologised to baby Harper and started to play nicely again. "They're really tired, they'll need an early night." Calum added as you agreed.

Michael: Thomas had been grumpy for most of the morning. He was clinging to you a lot but you had to look after Amalia as well. You had asked Karen to come round to baby sit while you took Thomas to the toddlers football club. "No mummy no." Thomas cried as he tried his best to fight against your grip. "Come on baby boy, you've been looking forward to it." You explained as you put him in his car seat and strapped him in. All the way there, Thomas was screaming and crying. "I don't think it's ideal to bring him today Mrs. Clifford. He won't be able to concentrate. Take him home and we'll come back for another day tomorrow." The coach explained as you nodded. Looks like Thomas really was grumpy and needed some sleep.

Ashton: The twins have both been acting up. You all went food shopping when Ryan and Daphne started to get bored and not listening to either you or Ashton. Once you were finished and in the car, the twins were arguing, which woke up Caleb. When you got home, you were angry and tired, so was Ashton. "Daphne and Ryan you will both be sitting on the naughty cushion for not listening to either mummy or daddy." Ashton said sternly as you placed Caleb in the mosesbacket. "No don't like daddy." Ryan cried as he hit Ashton's arm. "No mummy no." Daphne said angrily as you sat her down on the cushion. After lots of fighting and crying, the twins had fallen asleep on the cushions. "Not such a good day." Ashton sighed as he rubbed his temples and helped you put the twins to bed.

Hey sunflowers.

I apologise for not updating this book in a while, I've been busy with work and stuff has happened at home so I haven't really had the thought to update this book. I don't want my shit mood ruining my preferences.

Also I've started playing Emoji Blitz, but the Disney Verizon and omg I'm addicted already. I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly love the game. So I thank myself for not being able to sleep at all two nights ago. Not even my parents can't get over the fact I was playing a game at 1am in the morning. Lol.

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Thanks sunflowers💘xxx

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