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holy crap wow never thought i'd see the end of this story.

The whole journey has been amazing!

29 chapters

93 pages long

49,141 words!

i'm so proud of this story.  usually i have a very hard time sticking to one subject because i have so many more idea's to do but i finished it my first completed story!

i hope you enjoyed this story as much as i have enjoyed writing it. I'd like to thank my support system.

my mom and dad even though they don't understand the superhero world and think i'm a little bit crazy but still love me anyway and of course my sisters who have started this crazy journey with me and have supported this story just as i have there's love you both! <3

check out my  big sister's story's the follow my high school story there called the high school story of jemma Simmons and my little sister's story is called  the trill of agent may there great writers with me so give there story's a look.

be on the look out for my newest story the untold love story of Tess mercer and Clark Kent !

hope to see y'all soon!

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