chapter ten

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Chapter ten

Skye's point of view:

Uggh why does it feel like I got ran over by a truck I asked no one that's because you were attacked by a giant green monster said ward making me jump owww I moaned softly sorry didn't mean to scare you said ward climbing out of the chair he was sitting in and gently pushed my bangs out of my face how are you feeling asked ward.

Sore and tried how long was I out I asked 3 days scared the crap out of me thought I lost you skye you were beyond pale said ward hey I'm okay I'm not leaving you I said just as softly grabbing wards hand and squeezing it gently ward let out a deep breath.

Skye when I saw you in the hospital it made me realize how much I cared about you I care for you more then I should and that's because I'm falling in love with you Scklur Coulson ward said pressing a kiss to my lips he was gentle gave me a chance to back out in case I didn't feel the same for him I wrapped my hand around his neck while kissing him deeper I wanted him to know I felt the same way about him big time.

The kiss ended much sooner then I wanted it to but it was nice to see ward with a big goofy grin on his face and his chocolate brown eyes filled with so much love it took my breath away I guess you feel the same way huh asked ward I started to fall in love with you on the first day of school I said making ward's smile get even bigger why didn't you say anything asked ward you where dating victoria and I wasn't sure you would date someone like me I said.

Me and victoria where never going to last but how I feel about you skye is something I have never felt for anyone before and to be honest that scares me said ward why I asked because if something happens to you out in the filed like what happen with hunter I would freak I can't lose you said ward kissing me again nothing going to happen to me with a great partner like you by my side I whispered against wards lips I love you so much said ward climbing into the hospital bed with me moving over so ward had enough room once he was comfable he pulled me into his arms who knew grant ward was a cuddlier I said snuggling into his cheats only with you rookie only with you said ward

And I soon found myself falling asleep in ward's arms I guess I better start calling him grant was my final thought before falling asleep.

Two weeks later....

Come on where going to be late yelled dad coming yelled steve running into the living room today everyone in the Coulson household was beyond nervous today was the day that clint might go to Olympics and needless to say everyone in our family was nervous for clint.

Bobbi leo hurry up yelled mom coming yelled bobbi running down the stairs with leo at her heels mom just let out a sigh alright everyone in the van we promised clint we would be on time yelled dad pushing us out the door and into our van I can't belive clints made it this far im so proud of him mom said with a bright smile me either if he beats the best from Russian and japan he wins this year Olympics how cool is that asked steve wrapping his arms around me hey you got girlfriend Remo I said playfully shoving steve away and you have a boyfriend said steve making my eyes go wide me parents didn't know about me and ward yet.

Boyfriend demanded dad yeah did I forget to mention that I asked wishing a giant hole would open up and swallow me no no you didn't skye who is this boy demanded dad oh phillip settle down said mom looking excited about this new information.

ich hasse dich( I hate you ) I whispered in German

sorry whispered steve so who is this new man in your life asked mom his name is grant ward he's my partner in field training I said rubbing the back of my neck does he treat you well right asked dad treats me like a queen I said softly locking eyes with dad he's really proactive of us all and even more so with his baby girls if he ever hurts you tell me an di can send him directly to the fridge said dad with a serious face yes daddy I said.

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