Chapter Eleven: The Fault in Our Kiss

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"You look like a mother welcoming your husband to dinner," I chuckled, entering the house. Now that it wasn't as crowded as before, I never realized how big and beautiful it was.

"Well, maybe that's how I wanted it," he replied, taking my hand and kissing it lightly. I flushed red, and looked away from his burning amber gaze.

"Anyway," he said, dropping my hand and pulling away, chuckling. "You can just leave your stuff up in my room. You already know where it is." He winked, and I rolled my eyes.

As I walked up the stairs to his room, he went back into the kitchen to cook. I still had no idea what he was making for us, but I didn't really care. It was the act itself that made it so nice and 'romantic'. Never in my life had I thought someone other than my parents would cook for me.

As I opened the door to his room, it looked like it had just been cleaned. Everything was put in place, looking flawless, with no objects to trip over. I placed my bag over by the foot of his bed, and then walked out again, closing the door behind me.

I also left my purse inside the room, but Tikki floated next to me.

We walked down the stairs, and instantly, Tikki perked up. "Mmmm," she said, sniffing the air. "That smells delicious." Before I could reply, she zipped off into the kitchen.

I ran after her, and I heard Quinton's adorable chuckle from inside. I walked in, and saw ingredients lined around the stove. My mouth was watering, and when Quinton saw me, he pushed me back out.

"Hey, hey!" he said. "It's a surprise, Mari."

I pouted, and crossed my arms like a toddler, acting all upset. "But it smells so good!"

"You can wait just twenty more minutes," he said and chuckled. He winked at me.

"Fine," I groaned. "I guess I'll wait in agony as you cook up something delicious."

As he turned back to cook, I walked around his house. It was beautiful, with a large living room. It had a large couch with a huge flatscreen TV. Items were placed delicately over the house, and it gave it a modern-but-fancy look.

I walked over to a picture on the wall. It looked like it was from awhile ago, and the people in it were all wearing Egyptian clothing. Quinton only looked a few years younger, but still handsome as ever. I was guessing it was some sort of family reunion or something, because people that looked alike to Quinton were standing in the back.

All of them wore bright smiles, and my brain then connected Quinton's bronze skin. I knew he grew up in Iowa, but I guessed he was part Egyptian as well.

I smiled a little to myself as I walked more around the house. It wasn't claustrophobic anymore, and I could breathe normally now. I ran my hands through bookshelves, mesmerized by the beauty.

Before I knew it, it had been twenty minutes of me just staring at walls. "Okay, Mari!" I heard from the kitchen, and Tikki and Quinton stepped out. "Take a seat, madam. Dinner will be served shortly." Quinton bowed and then headed back to the kitchen.

"About time!" I yelled to him. "My stomach was rumbling so loudly that I thought all of Paris could hear me!"

All I heard was a chuckle, and I sat down. Tikki leaned on the decorative candle in the middle of the table, and sat back. I smiled at her and she smiled back, and something twinkled in her eye. She knew what we were having for dinner, and apparently it was something nice.

Quinton stepped out of the kitchen, holding two plates of food. He smiled at me as he set the meal on my placemat, and I smiled back. I then inspected the meal. It was spaghetti and meatballs, and the meatballs looked homemade.

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