Vol.3 / Chapter 9 : "Return"

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Omg. Volume 4. Help me. My addiction is back. Ruby looks hotter. Weiss looks prettier. Jaune has.......

*breaks down into tears*


Glynda Goodwitch suddenly awoke, coughing as she struggled to sit up. A nurse was by her side instantly, slowly helping her up.

"I'm glad to see you're alive." A familiar male voice said. Glynda suddenly froze as the nurse left the room.

"Elliot?" She breathed, suddenly on the verge of breaking down into tears. Elliot nodded his head in response.

"It's my, Glynda. It's really me."


Rei sat on the bullhead, silent as he attempted to plan his maneuvers. He'd already fought Cinder before, so it seemed easy to him. However, her rank was on par with his father's massive 106, hers being a 105 ranked Titled Huntsman.

"Rei." Winter asked for his attention suddenly. She was not looking at him, rather she was looking at her scroll.

"Your mother is awake."


"Rei." Glynda said happily as his face suddenly showed up on her scroll. The relief was evident on her face, the sudden worry leaving as they made eye contact.

Rei took notice of the multiple bandages across her face, the large and bloody bandage crossing her right cheek.

"Hey mom." Rei replied, the word sounding foreign and he was addressing someone whom wasn't his mother that had raised him.

"Where are you?" Glynda asked.

"On a bullhead."

"Where to?" Rei was hesitant to answer.

"Rei. Answer your mother."

"You answer me first. Who did this to you?" Glynda looked at her long lost son with eyes of anger.

"Where. Are. You?" Glynda asked again, forcefully.

"On a bullhead." Rei replied simply, revealing that he wouldn't say where he was going until she answered his question.

"How did Crystal deal with you..... Cinder." Glynda replied, sighing.

"Cinder and her two lackeys. Now where are you?"

"On my way to kill her."


Cinder shook her head as Emerald reported to her.

"The white fang's leader..... he's denied your request for an audience at this time. He says he has more important matters as of now."

"It's fine, Emerald. For now..... see to it that our visitors are held back for some time. The true mission is yet to be finished." Cinder ordered, to which Emerald nodded before taking her leave.

"Ozpin, how are you feeling back there?" Cinder gloated. Ozpin, who was shackled to the wall with chains and handcuffs, scoffed.

"Very well actually."

"Good. Because now, you will realize just how badly you have lost. Your precious guardian is about to be killed." Cinder declared.

"Once Rei is dead, the Maiden's powers will fade. They'll all die soon."


Rei jumped off the bullhead, approaching the smoking ruins of Beacon Tower.

"I thought you two may need my help." Ironwood said, walking up behind Rei and Winter.

"General." Winter said, saluting to her commander. Ironwood waved her off, turning to face Beacon.

"It's a shame, really. Now that Vale fell, even my own forces are having trouble. We must put an end to this." Rei nodded at Ironwood's statement.

"We will."

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