Chapter Fourteen - Outreach To Be

Start from the beginning

Bala ran at them with her silver sword, but they just moved further away and waited. Frustrated, Bala turned to her Mother,

praying aloud. “Oh, Great Queen, Mother of the Universe, come to my aid! Please, Mother Ambica, give refuge to these pitiful, lst souls.”

The soft cool light, emanating from the presence of the Divine Mother, and a sliver of moonlight, emanating from the presence of the Divine Mother, and a silver of moon lit the branches and the Divine Goddess sat on her throne.

“Oh Bala, I know how you feel, I love them, too.”

“Must they forever pay this terrible price, Mother?”

“No, but they have made the same pact with the dark forces over and over again, to be born into lower and lower bodies in order to enjoy the drugs. As they told you, they will spiral down in a most gruesome and horrible manner through the animal kingdom. It is evil’s trickery. The soul is immortal and cannot be bought or sold. The soul is Atma forever free. This is only an illusion, but the poor souls believe other wise. There is only an illusion, but the poor souls believe otherwise. There is nothing to be done, Bala.”

“Yes, Mother, there most be something! I can’t allow them to be destroyed. I have come to Earth to save them and somehow, I must save them! I will take their pain as my own and nothing will stop me! I love these poor lost souls, Mother!”

There was a quiet sigh from the Queen. “Oh dear, here we go again, Bala. Your loving heart always gets you into so much trouble.”

“Yes Mummy, my love brought me to Earth.”

“I suppose it is the same with all the Avatars. It was the great love and compassion of Lord Krishna which brought Him to Earth, also.”

Bala got down on her knees and begged her mother for help.

“Oh, very well, “the Queen signed. Turning her head, she called, “General Dandanatha, please bring me the golden goblet. Bala, I am giving you the most precious elixir in the Universe. Come, take this and anoint your poor little lost souls. My tears, collected in this goblet. Bala, I am giving you the most precious elixir in the Universe. Come, take this and anoint your poor little lost souls. My tears, collected in this goblet for eons, will make them pure.”

Bala dropped her sword and hurried to her Mother. Grasping the golden goblet with both hands, she returned to the trembling spirit children standing with bowed heads.

“Cleanse your hearts, and close your eyes and I’ll give you something to make you wise,” Bala said, beaming. Like a little bird, she poured the Mother’s tears into each sad little bird, into each sad little mouth.

At once, their own tears of repentance and relief, blended with the holy tears, brought about a complete transformation. They became pure and shining, and they walked quickly into the light pouring forth from the heavenly queen. Their crystal bodies sparkled with a translucent beauty. From their throats issued forth a song of praise and thanksgiving, which sounded as if it were from the angelic realms. They praised God continuously as they floated with Divine Mother, like a stream of diamonds, up and up, until they seemed to find their way to the stars.

Muttering to one another, the black forces stalked off through the clouds and into the night, swearing to avenge this outrage. “We were cheated out of what was rightfully ours,” they shouted. “And you had better be careful, you stupid brat, because we’ll get you yet!”

Bala put it behind her and, over the next few months, she and her batch-mates continued to work with Tony, the photographer. On Saturday mornings, many of the slum children took part in the modeling class, with the result that some had emerged as leaders, models in more ways than one. Now, with access to clean water, they learned the joys of a good brisk shower or bucket bath, how to dress and proper deportment. Some of the girls were teenagers and this modeling class was important for them. They took their new skills back to the slums to their younger friends. After some months, the girls who were attending modeling school were give scholarships to better schools.

Bala Devi, Girl-Child Avatar - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now