Chapter 29

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Carly POV

I woke up with Sean's arms around me. I almost hated to admit that I definitely slept better when I was with Sean.

Luckily it was a Saturday, meaning we wouldn't have to get out of bed so soon.

"Good morning." Sean whispered in my ear.

"Morning." I whispered back pulling him even closer.

"What do you-" Sean started before he got cut off.

"Ok. I've got the games, chips, and beer. Anything else we need?" Jake came barging into the room.

"What are you doing?" Sean asked him.

Jake looked surprised when he saw me.

"Well, I thought we could have a guys day since you were having problems with your girl. But it looks like you guys made up already." He said.

"It feels like forever since we've had a guys day." Sean said.

"I know."

"You guys can hang out today. Don't let me stop you from having your fun." I said sitting up.

"Thanks, babe." Sean said kissing my forehead.

"I don't want you drinking though." I told him.

My brother used to drink a lot and bad things happened because of it. I didn't like the idea of Sean drinking alcohol, I knew how much it could change how a person acted.

"Ok. No drinking."

"Just one beer, Carly. Pleeeease?" Jake begged.


"Whatever. By the way, Hannah's downstairs if you want to go hangout with her. I think she wanted to go shopping or something today." Jake told me.

"Ok thanks." I said and stood up.

"Here's my credit card." Sean said giving it to me.

"You don't have to." I told him.

"Yes I do. You deserve the world, Carly and I want my baby to be able to buy whatever she wants."

Awe. He's so sweet.

"Alright, I'll take it. Thank you."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before taking a step away.

"Have fun." Sean told me.

"You too." I said walking out of the room.

I shut the door behind me and I was planning on leaving right away but then I heard Jake say something.

"You get any action last night, bro?" He asked Sean.

"No." Sean answered sounding annoyed.

"Are you really not going to drink at all?" Jakes asked.


"Dude, you are so whipped."

I rolled my eyes at the boys and headed downstairs.

"Hey, Hannah." I greeted the girl as I found her sitting in the kitchen. She was nibbling on some delicious looking cookies.

"Hi, Carly. How are you doing?" She asked me.

"I'm fine. Sean and I made up." I told her.

"That's great. Want to go shopping with me?" She asked.

"Sure. I guess."

"Yay! Let's go." She said jumping up from excitement.

She led me to her car and we drove off to the mall.

"I'm so excited! Thank you so much for coming shopping with me." She squealed.

"It's no problem, really." I told her.

"I'm seriously so glad I have you now. I don't have many girl friends. Sasha and I are close but she's not a fan of shopping."

"I've never really gone shopping a whole lot." I told her.


"My brother never wanted me to go out on long shopping trips so I never did. Besides, I didn't have much time between work and school."

"How did you get your clothes?" She asked incredulous.

"Sometimes I could order stuff online, but mostly I would just grab what I needed from the store quickly."

"Hun, you are missing out. Don't worry, I'll show you my ways."

"Take me under your wing."

"Come on." She said leading me into the mall.


"No. There is no way that I'm buying that." I said sternly.

"But why not?" Hannah whined.

Our shopping adventure had been going great, until Hannah dragged me into Victoria's Secret. No matter how many times I tell her I don't want any lingerie she won't stop asking me.

"I don't want it. Why do you insist on getting me lingerie?" I asked.

"Because pregnant women don't look good in lingerie so I must live vicariously through you. How about this? I know Sean would love to see you in this. I bet his eyes would pop out of his head." She said holding up a new set.

"As much as I'd love to see that happen, he won't ever be seeing me in something like that." I said.

"Not even maybe sometime in the future?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me.

I shrugged. I wasn't sure exactly what the future would hold.

She huffed at me.

"Well I'm buying it for you anyway. Ooh this too. Oh and also this. You'd look so sexy." She said picking up more.

"Really?" I asked as she took Sean's credit card out of my bag.

"Yup. Sean will be thanking me later." She said.

"I'm sure he will be. Can we go back to the house now?" I grumbled.

"But we haven't even visited all of the shops yet."

"Please, I can't take it anymore. We don't need to go to anymore shops. We've already bought so much stuff, which is getting really heavy by the way."

"Alright, drama queen. We can go but you need to start working out. I can normally twice as much of what you have now." She told me.

"Whatever. My arms hurt."

As we walked around in the mall, I saw an adorable little pug in the window of a pet shop.

The puppy was just so cute I had to get him.

"Hannah, how do you think Sean would feel about me getting a puppy?" I asked her.

"If you wear something sexy enough, like the lingerie we just bought, I'm sure there's no way he can say no." She said.

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

I ignored her and made my way into the pet shop. After buying the pug, I named him Alfred.

"Let's go."

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