Chapter 4

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Carly's POV

Things were looking good today. Waitressing at the diner this afternoon was calming for me. I thought maybe today would actually be a good day. That was before Hailey and her friends came strolling in before sitting at a booth.

It was silly to hope that I didn't have to take their orders for them. My luck was nearly as bad as it gets, so of course I had to wait on their table. Hailey and a few of the girls tried to give me some of the most complicated orders just so that I could mess up and they would have a reason to yell at me.

I successfully wrote down their orders and went to get the drinks that they had ordered. When I returned to the seating area, something had felt different in the little diner. I had no idea what that could be so I thought maybe I was just imagining it.

As I started handing everyone their drinks, I felt like someone was watching me. I just ignored it because no one would ever be that interested in me.

"This isn't the drink I ordered." Hailey said.

"Yeah it is. I even wrote it down." I told her. I was not in the mood today to put up with her crap.

"Um no. I think I would remember what drink I ordered. I don't want this soda, do you even realize how much sugar is in it? Take this and bring me back a water." She told me.

"Ugh, fine." I said and put the drink back on my tray. I didn't feel like fighting with her. It just wasn't worth it.

As I turned towards the kitchen, I caught a pair of beautiful gray eyes watching me.

I couldn't bring myself to look away. He probably thought I was a freak for staring at him, everyone thinks I'm a freak anyway.

Realizing I had to get on with my work, I took a few steps forward and tripped over Hailey's foot. What is up with her tripping me all the time?

I landed flat on my face and spilled the soda everywhere. The front of my shirt was now soaked.

Leave it to me to embarrass myself in front of a totally cute stranger. No wonder people call me a freak and my brother says I'm a disappointment.

I felt someone's hands on my arms. They were soft and warm. The feeling of them was enough give my stomach butterflies. It was most likely because no one's ever touched me so gently.

As the hands helped pick me up I looked into the eyes of my savior, the same beautiful gray eyes I was staring into before I fell.

"Are you okay?" The stranger asked me.

"I'm fine. I should clean this mess up." I said bending down to pick up the cups.

Hailey and her crew began to leave, knowing that the show was now over. Maybe they had only come to humiliate me for entertainment.

The guy crouched down to help me clean the mess.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

I didn't understand why he would want to know. In fact, I don't even get why he's talking to me or helping. Maybe he's just doing it to be polite.

"Carly." I whispered.

"That's a beautiful name. I think it suits you." He said.

I couldn't help but blush after hearing his insinuation that he thought I was beautiful.

I couldn't understand why he said it, but I know he doesn't want me, no one would.

"I'm Sean." He says.


Then Darla, one of the nicer and older waitresses comes up to us.

"I saw what happened, Carly. You just go home. I'll clean this up." She told me.

"No, you don't have to do that. I'll be fine." I said.

"No you need to go home and get yourself cleaned up."

"Ok." I said not wanting to argue with her. She's like the only person who's ever been nice to me.

I stood up. She's right. My entire front side is wet and sticky from the soda.

I began walking towards the door and knew that Sean was following me.

It wasn't till I had crossed the small parking lot that he finally spoke up.

"Let me walk you home." He said.

"I don't think so."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I don't even know you." I told him.

It was true. I hardly knew him but I also knew that Brandon would kill me if he saw me bring a boy home. I would never tell Sean that though.

"Well if we walked together maybe we could talk and then you'd know me." He suggested.

"I'll be fine. I can walk home on my own." I told him.

"Ok." He said and reluctantly walked back towards the diner.

The walk back to my house wasn't very long, even though I wished it was.

When I walked into the house, Brandon was in the kitchen drinking.

"Why are you home so early? You should be working!" He shouted at me.

"There was a problem, so they just sent me home early." I didn't feel like explaining everything to him. He wouldn't care anyway.

"I don't fûcking care! We could use the money and I'm not helping to raise a worthless slacker! You go to work, you have to stay there the whole time! Got it?" He yelled at me.

"Uh huh." And I nodded my head.

"Now go to your room." He ordered.

I followed his instructions obediently but he still couldn't resist shoving me into the wall as I passed him. 

Ignoring the pain, I got up and sort of limped the way to my room.

Once I got there, I changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. My was the only comfort I had most days.

I felt warm tears roll down my cheeks as I laid there.

My mind kept wandering back to the stranger, wondering why he cared so much. No one had ever cared for me like that before.

I guess it doesn't really matter, because I probably won't ever see him again.

With that thought, I continued to cry until I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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