Chapter 25

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Sean POV

After dinner, my dad took me into his office so he could have a talk with me.

"It's good to have you back, Son." Was the first thing he said to me as we sat down.

"Thanks, Dad." I said.

"You've found yourself a wonderful mate. She's beautiful. I'm happy for you." He told me.

"Yup. I got lucky."

"But let's be honest, what'd you do?" He asked.

"I didn't do anything!" I said.

"Oh really? So she's not mad at you? And she's staying in the guest bedroom and not your room for no reason at all?" He interrogated.

"Fine. She's mad at me because I lied to her." I confessed.

"Lied to her about what?"

"I told her that we would just be visiting you guys for a week. Then I may have let it slip that I actually planned on staying longer." I admitted.

"Well that was stupid. You shouldn't have lied to her. She has every right to be mad at you." He told me.

"I know. What should I do?" I asked him.


"I've tried but she won't listen to me."

"Well then just give her some space and time. She'll talk about it when she feels like it." My dad advises me.

"That's actually not bad advice." I thought aloud.

"Believe it or not, I actually know a thing or two about women. How do you think I've survived living with your mother all these years?"

"That's a good point."

"Thank you. Maybe you should go gets some rest now. You're going to school tomorrow." He told me.

"What? Why?" I asked. I hadn't thought of school.

"You can't just skip school because you've been away spending time with your pretty mate. You can take her with you though." He said.

"I have a feeling she won't like that idea." I told him.

"Why not?"

"She hates school and right now she hates me so I'm sure that going to school with me is about the last thing she wants to do."

"She doesn't hate you."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Just because women get angry at you, doesn't mean they hate you." He said.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed."

Leaving his office, I made my way to Carly's room. I gently knocked on her door and waited for her to answer.

It didn't take long for her to open it.

She was wearing one of my shirts and some sweatpants. Her hair was wet so she must've just taken a shower.

"Can we talk for a little bit?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said and moved so that I could come in.

I took a seat on the edge of the bed.

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