Chapter 11

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Carly POV

Getting ready was no easy feat. I have no make up, no pretty dresses, and no experience in dating whatsoever.

But of course, that's not all I have to worry about.

I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to sneak out and sneak back in without Brandon knowing.

He's going to kill me when he finds out. And he most likely will find out because I'm not exactly skilled with the whole sneaking out thing.

I'm sitting in my room now with no clue what to wear as I stare into my closet.

I don't know where he's taking me either but I'm guessing a dress would probably be most appropriate. But of course I don't have any of those. Unless you count the ones that my dad got me but I grew out of those years ago.

Not sure what I was going to do, I jumped onto my bed and shoved my face into the pillow.

Then I got an idea.

My mom might have some nice dresses that I can wear.

I snuck across the hall and into my mom's room.

I guess I didn't really have to sneak around right now cause Brandon is sleeping on the couch in the basement but I still think I should be cautious.

I walked over to her closet to see my options.

There were a lot of black sexy dresses and I cringed just thinking about my mom wearing them.

But after looking for awhile I finally found the dress.

It was white and it had long lacy sleeves that would cover my bruises and scars nicely. It was also almost long enough to reach my knees, which I thought was the perfect length for me.

I also found a bunch of shoes in her closet. She had mostly high heels but I knew I wouldn't be able to walk in those so I grabbed a pair of white flats.

Next, I thought it'd be nice to try on some makeup.

I've never really put on makeup before except for when I was a little girl and just smeared the stuff all over my face.

I searched a makeup tutorial on YouTube and followed the girl's instructions step by step.

When I was done it didn't look quite as good as the other girl's did but I thought it still looked nice on me.

I wasn't exactly sure what to do with my hair. I didn't really know how to do any gorgeous fancy updos on myself so I just curled my hair.

Looking in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. I could almost say I looked beautiful.

I looked at the time to see that Sean should be here soon.

I slowly descended the stairs and cautiously looked around for Brandon. He wasn't here so he must still be sleeping. I let out a sigh of relief.

I looked out the window to see Sean climbing out of his car.

I didn't need anything waking up Brandon so before he could knock or ring the doorbell I opened the door.

His jaw literally dropped when he saw me.

"Y-you look amazing, Carly." He stuttered.

I smiled. I couldn't believe that I actually got him to stutter like that.

"Thank you. Can we go now?" I asked ready to go and get away from this house.

"Of course." He held out his hand and I took it.

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