Chapter 9

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Carly POV

It's been about a whole week since I first met Sean.

He sits by me in a lot of classes so we make small talk most days and I think that we're actually on the road to becoming good friends.

It was scary for me to start opening up to someone, so I never shared anything too personal with him. He didn't seem to mind though. I think he was genuinely happy that I was at least talking to him now.

I was also starting to believe that he was truly a good guy. He was kind to me because that's the type of person he actually was.

Realizing this made me want to trust him. It made me hope that I could be something more to him.

I wasn't sure if he would want to be more than friends with me. That made me feel like it was silly to hope for something like that.

The only times we don't get along is during lunchtime. He gets mad because I don't eat much and he doesn't believe me when I say I'm not hungry.

I don't understand why it would matter to him if I ate much or not.

Other than that, everything's been good between us and I've been able to hide my bruises without any trouble.

Things haven't gotten any better with Brandon. I try not to give him reasons to be angry but he loses his temper over the smallest of things.

Although, I will admit things are getting better at school. Nobody bullies me when Sean's around.

Now that it was after school, I was walking to the diner. Well, more like skipping. I had a good day for once and just thinking about Sean had me all giddy and happy.

"Hey Darla." I said when I saw her.

"Hi Carly. How are you doing?" She asked.


"Do you need anything to eat before you start your shift?" Darla knows that I'll decline her offer, but that never stops her from asking.

"I'm fine." I said and began working.

My entire shift was boring and uneventful.

But just as I was about to head out, Sean and Penelope walked in.

They came over by me and Penelope jumped in my arms.

"Hi, little cutie." I said to her.

"Hi." She said with the cutest little smile. I love her.

"Hey, Carly. Were you just about to leave?" Sean asked.

"Uh yeah. My shift just ended." I told him.

"Are you hungry? We'd love if you could sit and eat with us. Right Penelope?"

"Right." She agreed.

"I don't know. My brother is expecting me home soon." I told them.

"You don't have to stay long just for little while yet. Please?" Sean asked.

Both Sean and Penelope gave me their best puppy dog faces. I couldn't resist, so I sat at a table with them.

Penelope told us everything she did today and I even ate some french fries, which made Sean happy.

"I have to go potty." Penelope said when we were almost finished with our food.

"Um Carly, do you mind taking her to the bathroom? I'll take care of the bill." Sean suggested.


I walked Penelope over to the bathroom and went in with her.

"He likes you." Penelope said when she was washing her hands.

"Really? How do you know?" I asked her.

"He talks about you all the time to my daddy and he thinks you're pretty." She said like it was a known fact.

"I'm not so sure that he really thinks I'm pretty." I said.

"Yes he does. He told me so. And you are really pretty." She said.

"Thanks, cutie."

Sean had a big goofy smile on his face when we walked up to him. He was so adorable.

"Come on." He said and led us out the door. "Let me drive you home. It's dark and I don't want you walking alone out here."

"Ok." I said. It was probably best that I get home as soon as possible.

We buckled Penelope up in the backseat and she was already asleep when we drove out of the parking lot.

Sean and I didn't talk at all during the ride.

Although, I had him stop the car around the corner so Brandon wouldn't see that someone had driven me home. I was going to be in enough trouble as it is.

"Are you sure you want me to drop you off here?" He asked uncertain.

"It's ok. I'll be fine." I told him.

"I get it. It's because you don't want your dad seeing that a handsome young man drove you home, right?" He asked jokingly.

"My dads not around anymore." I said quietly.

His face quickly turned serious.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He apologized.

"It's ok. Goodnight." I said unbuckling.

"Wait." He said when I was about to open the car door. "Would you go out with me tomorrow night?"


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