Chapter 3

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Sean's POV

I can't believe that on a Saturday morning, at nearly the crack of dawn, I am waking up only to attend an alpha meeting.

I could be spending this Saturday in a whole different way, sleeping in and being back at the cabin with my friends.

I really feel like my dad is trying to punish me now.

I've spent the past three hours stuck in this goddamn car with my father and it looks like we have finally made it to their pack house.

The pack house of Dark Shadows pack only looked slightly smaller than our pack house.

We got out of the car and headed inside. There we met the beta who led us to see the alpha in his office.

"Hello, Alpha Derek." My dad greeted him.

"Alpha Mark. I'm so glad you came. I see you've met Beta Mason. Who's this young man?" Derek asked.

"I'm Sean, future alpha of the Blood Moon Pack." I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you. Please, both of you, have a seat." He said before sitting back down in his office chair.

Both my dad and I then sat down.

"So about the rogues..." My dad started.

Then we got into a long discussion about the attacks that have occurred and sending reinforcements from our pack to help defend against future attacks.

I'm willing to bet that I'll die of boredom before age 30. That's how boring these alpha meetings are.

So we agreed on how many of our warriors we would send over to help and decided to go out to eat for lunch.

Alpha Derek took us out to some small diner that was a few blocks away from the pack house.

According to Alpha Derek, they had good food there and cute waitresses that were my age.

I don't really care so much for cute girls, unless one of them is my mate.

I'm hoping to find her soon because my life is almost meaningless without her.

We walk inside and find a table for us to sit at. I look back and see that there's a bunch of kids my age sitting at a booth in the corner.

The girls looked like they were checking me out and the boys were glaring at me.

I turned back around and pretended to be listening to whatever my dad and Alpha Derek were talking about.

Then I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see one of the blondes that had been sitting at the booth.

"Excuse me. Hi, I'm Hailey. I couldn't help but notice you're looking a little bored and lonely over here. Would you like to come sit with my friends and I?" She asked sweetly.

I contemplated over her offer. I usually tried not to lead girls on, but I was bored and she seemed nice.

I could smell that her and her friends were all werewolves, which meant they all had mates whether they'd met them or not.

I was totally overthinking this, it shouldn't be such a big deal. I just didn't want this girl to get the wrong idea.

"I don't know-" I started to say before a sweet feminine scent overwhelmed my senses.

I looked towards the wonderful fragrance and saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

She was in her waitress uniform and she was carrying drinks over to the table where Hailey's friends sat at.

She had long dark hair and emerald eyes prettier than any other gemstone out there.

Hailey noticed I had become distracted and followed my gaze to the waitress. She scoffed when she saw who I was looking at.

"What's so fascinating?" She asked.

"What's her name?"

"Doesn't matter. You'd be better off staying away from her, she's a freak." She said turning and walking back to the booth.

I quietly growled at her for saying that about my mate.

My wolf was so excited that he finally found his mate, even Hailey's comments couldn't fully dampen his mood. 

Although, I started wondering what that girl could've meant when she called her a freak.

I started watching my mate pass out the drinks she had. She had to bend over to hand them to the people across from her so I got a nice view of her cute little butt.

That gorgeous girl was going to be mine someday, I could feel myself already falling in love with her.

Apparently, Hailey was unhappy with the drink she ordered, so she started arguing with my mate.

It wasn't long before my mate gave in and agreed to return with a different drink for her.

When she moved to go back to the kitchen, I caught her eye. For a moment, we shared a connection so deep she couldn't take her eyes away from me. If I stayed lost in her eyes forever, I knew I wouldn't mind.

Unfortunately, my staring had distracted her enough that she didn't see Hailey stick her foot out.

My poor mate tripped over it and crashed to the ground, right into the spilled soda that she had been carrying.

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